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Trainerlevel: 52

Trainerpoints: 3,600/8,163


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Zygarde (Cell Forme)8317,500 / 26,146
Zygarde (Cell Forme)843,716 / 26,776
Zygarde (10% Forme)7612,214 / 21,946
Totodile (Retro)10222,056 / 34,848


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
beccArt 7 Months ago
RSA-Bowser 1 Year ago
AnteUp 1 Year ago
DarkerNull 1 Year ago

Shiny Hunt

jaggu240 is currently hunting Zygarde (10% Forme).
Hunt started: 08/08/2022

Chain: 1

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


jaggu240 hasn't collected any medals so far.


1. Get own Ditto (done * 3)
2. Hunt all SMs

Nuggets Target: 10000
PD Target: 10,000,000
Dragon gems Target: 1000

Game Records

Trainer ID: #216311607
Registration: 15/12/2021 (2 Years ago)
Game Time: 1263:33 Hours
Total interactions: 3,139,937
Money: 11,259,543
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Hey guys, me and my friends would like to add one service here. We’ll send you all missing plushies (available now.. ~600+ plushies for a beginner)

How much can we charge for it?
1 Year ago
What’s value of Shiny Zygarde
1 Year ago
Since I got my SM, whoever helped me will get 3 shinies and 1 mega as gift.. Thanks again for helping me. ❤️❤️❤️
1 Year ago
I got my SM#4
1 Year ago
Hey guys, I still didn't get any SM but I would like to share my shinies to all who are helping me by leaving their beedrill eggs into tall grass.
Please leave your proof here(DM if you're uncomfortable). I'll send one shiny to you privately.
1 Year ago
Hey guys, my next SM hunt just started...
If anyone is interested, please add Beedrills to your Daycare and leave them to tall grass. If I got SM, I'll share all my shinies and megas to everyone who supported equally.
1 Year ago
Hey guys, just would like to confirm my previous post regarding gem exchange. I'm looking for normal gems for those gems in exchange.
2 Years ago
My other gems to normal gems conversion rates:

Fire Gem = 1:2
Fighting Gem = 2:1
Water Gem = 1:1
Flying Gem = 2:3
Grass Gem = 1:1
Poison Gem = 1:1
Electric Gem = 2:3
Ground Gem = 1:1
Psychic Gem = 1:2
Rock Gem = 2:1
Ice Gem = 1:4
Bug Gem = 1:1
Dragon Gem = 1:20
Ghost Gem = 2:3
Dark Gem = 2:3
Steel Gem = 2:1
Fairy Gem = 1:3

You can ping me directly incase you want to buy in bulk.
2 Years ago
Magearna (PB) is in Auction house.
2 Years ago
2 Years ago
Look who is top in HoL chain?!

ME... 🥰🤗🥰
2 Years ago
Again, what would be value of "Shiny Magearna Egg Voucher (Great ball)"?
2 Years ago
Bluk Berry 24
Dark Gem 22
Dragon Gem 1
Electric Gem 26
Fighting Gem 71
Fire Gem 9
Ghost Gem 3
Lemonade 22
Mystery Box (Brown) 2
Mystery Box (Dark Blue) 1
Mystery Box (Light Blue) 2
Mystery Key (Gold) 3
Mystery Key (Pink) 1
Mystery Key (Purple) 2
Mystery Key (Red) 1
Nanab Berry 25
PokéDollar 41,000
Pinap Berry 40
Pomeg Berry 9
Psychic Gem 5
Rare Candy 1
Relic Silver 1
Soda Pop 17
Steel Gem 40
Wepear Berry 32

Gift from my friend.. Thanks a lot bro CakeyBG 🥰
2 Years ago
By Raffle - 11 Minutes and 45 Seconds ago.
Results of Magearna's Raffle:

★★★ Congratulations, you won!! An egg voucher has been placed in your Item Bag. ★★★
Your chance of winning was 12.60%.

→ Buy tickets for the next raffle

Shiny Great Magearna 🥰🥰🥰
2 Years ago
Just curious to know, how much would be the value of “Shiny ultra magearna voucher “??
2 Years ago
Shiny lugia voucher is in GTS...
2 Years ago
SM#4 under 150 😍🥰
2 Years ago
Hey guys, just curious to know..
What's the worth of "Shiny Lugia Egg Voucher"?
2 Years ago
Results of last lottery draw:

You won 280200 Game Chips.
You also won 1x Shiny Lugia Egg Voucher! JACKPOT!
You also won 1x Lugia Egg Voucher! CONGRATS! 🥰🥰🥰
2 Years ago



Last Visitors

ScarletOkamiSun, 21/Jul/2024, 20:37
AthenaHereSun, 21/Jul/2024, 10:00
ShatteredDiamondFri, 12/Jul/2024, 15:41
chungusWed, 10/Jul/2024, 04:44
Pearl~Mon, 01/Jul/2024, 22:45


Last Action
Hunting for Treasures (1 Year ago)