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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
This user account has been locked permanently.
Trainerlevel: 33

Trainerpoints: 164/3,299


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Wailord575,195 / 15,805
Wailord57620 / 15,805
Wailord59284 / 17,278
Wailord571,160 / 15,805
Wailord577,429 / 15,805
Wailord5713,129 / 15,805


Game Records

Trainer ID: #5914778
Registration: 29/05/2014 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 1253:09 Hours
Total interactions: 37,007
Money: 56,809
Starter Pokémon: Ivysaur


im scared to talk to menma because i feel like im talking to her along with the 50 other users that she managed to convince to change thier avis
hive mind energy
4 Years ago
5 Years ago
it was just a prank guys
plz no ban....
5 Years ago
y'all: *cant find the eggs*
y'all: this event endorses separatism
5 Years ago
you cant sit with us
5 Years ago
yall this is a pokemon adopt website....
5 Years ago
5 Years ago
who the heck keep on coming on my streams and asking me for furry porn??
5 Years ago
5 Years ago
im not white but do u want me to play mo bamba or sicko mode?
5 Years ago
so like,,, should women have rights?
5 Years ago
i cant believe that i pay over 40K in tuition money to go to a christian college
and the lord still allows my tablet pen to fall tip first on the floor, causing the nib to break inside of the pen, rendering it useless.
5 Years ago
(∗ᵒ̶̶̷̀ω˂̶́∗)੭₎₎̊₊♡ hi gwuys!!!
im good now owo
lighty made it all bettew
5 Years ago
i needa be up in 4 hours but i been waiting for someone to get online so i can talk to him :<
5 Years ago
can someone say something mean about me? im bored //:
5 Years ago
best two weeks of my life
6 Years ago
im getting locked in real time see ya later
6 Years ago
this site is about i'd say 3 months away from collapsing completely
6 Years ago
i want to go back to me nooby self
7 Years ago
comment 4 compliment
7 Years ago


Last Visitors

Meow_ArcheSun, 14/Jul/2024, 17:30
OnyxMon, 27/May/2024, 15:37
Shiro-kunMon, 27/May/2024, 05:01
~LycarioMon, 27/May/2024, 03:53
ImperialHoundMon, 27/May/2024, 03:40