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Electric Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 4

Trainerpoints: 12/51


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Meganium34536 / 3,351
Petilil282,042 / 2,437
Haunter351,560 / 3,572
Goldeen27942 / 2,269
Swellow373,713 / 4,038
Ferroseed3135 / 2,977

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Zen_Zhen hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #328577868
Registration: 19/07/2013 (11 Years ago)
Game Time: 0:36 Hours
Total interactions: 42
Money: 793
Starter Pokémon: Meganium


I am Zen Zhen from Pokefarm , feel free to talk to me , I prefer if you can talk to me in Pokefarm since I just joined today ;v;
11 Years ago
New here , tomorrow my birthday^o^
11 Years ago


Last Action
Viewing qwerty (11 Years ago)

Last Visitors

GreenTeaThu, 05/Nov/2015, 09:54
AbyssThu, 29/Oct/2015, 11:27
Shaymin_LoverSun, 01/Feb/2015, 00:17
ForbiddenUchihaFri, 31/Oct/2014, 16:08
lajossojalThu, 15/May/2014, 08:03