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Trainerlevel: 4

Trainerpoints: 6/51


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
559,491 / 9,524
Cherrim532,660 / 8,587
Linoone541,971 / 8,911
Golbat584,723 / 10,267
Ambipom622,829 / 9,375

About Me

Pleasure to meet you, you may call me Yugi.
As can be seen, I am extremely new; so bare with me while I shake the noobness off. hehehe
I am super duper excited to start and be here, hopefully we can be friends! ;3
Now a little about me: If you want to know anything else just ask.

? January 24th, I am 18 yrs old
? Quebec, Canada
? Just had my 2nd year anniversary!
? I love Golurk and every ghost type.
? First game: Pokemon Red
? Charm the Charizard is my first ever pokemon


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Kaufee 8 Years ago
Kaufee 8 Years ago
Kaufee 8 Years ago
Kaufee 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


YugiSchiffer hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #354196659
Registration: 08/11/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 0:42 Hours
Total interactions: 29
Money: 2,873
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Sylestia Ryori's where are you~
Come out so I can steal your soul! >;3
8 Years ago
It's a new day and a beautiful one at that.
time to rake some leaves
8 Years ago


Last Action
Viewing YugiSchiffer's Profile (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

ShandrazelMon, 11/Jul/2016, 16:07
KaufeeWed, 09/Dec/2015, 00:46
ShakedownDreamsSun, 08/Nov/2015, 06:07
BunnehMimi02Sun, 08/Nov/2015, 04:26
HebisnekSun, 08/Nov/2015, 01:49