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Trainerlevel: 3

Trainerpoints: 4/29


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Emboar8118,462 / 21,567

About Me

Banks have maneuvered their way into the cash advance industry. Now there are numerous finance institutions that will provide these short-term loans in the same way as online payday lenders. The basic loan principals are followed, but banks have more freedoms they do not must keep to the same state guidelines build on your typical payday loan.


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goldenpriestess 7 Years ago

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Set #1
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Set #4


Uponuall23 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #267861920
Registration: 01/07/2017 (7 Years ago)
Game Time: 0:01 Hours
Total interactions: 0
Money: 2,600
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Uponuall23 hasn't posted any feeds so far.


Last Action
Changing Avatar (7 Years ago)

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