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Steel Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 12

Trainerpoints: 147/443


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Tangrowth363,509 / 3,997
Dedenne6611,031 / 13,267
Lampent413,136 / 5,055
Donphan621,870 / 11,719
Ledian77619 / 14,415
Gumshoos64172 / 12,481


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Newest gifts
vin02cent 8 Years ago
Nobody896611 9 Years ago
Claus 9 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Tomboys hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #481704555
Registration: 01/05/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 22:06 Hours
Total interactions: 6,114
Money: 15,635
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Interaction exchange ?
9 Years ago
Interacts please
9 Years ago
How we have the mega evolution ?
9 Years ago
Please interacts with my party
9 Years ago
Please interact with my pokemon and my eggs.
9 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

vin02centSun, 07/Jan/2018, 22:08
NoctisWolfSat, 30/Dec/2017, 09:20
MedicalcoreWed, 19/Apr/2017, 00:39
ddddddddddddTue, 18/Apr/2017, 14:52
HazameTue, 18/Apr/2017, 14:04