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Trainerlevel: 25

Trainerpoints: 452/1,899


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
724435,919 / 1,259,761
Chingling (Nightmare)745,354 / 13,321

The main six

The NEW main six below this text... editing in progress

It is also obvious that I love the story of PMD: EOT/D/S, so why wouldn't I name her the Guildmaster? It's a bummer that it's female though...

The highest level out of all of my Pokémon... Originally named Sad because of the expression on the Azurill sprite. Is also female.

Ok, I'll admit, Absolute wasn't a part of the main six at first, but I've really grown to like him in recent times. His stance has a majestic feeling to it, plus I think I like Mega Absol more than I thought.

He's one of my more casual/early game Pokémon that I acutally do put on the team sometimes. In fact, It could be one of my favorite early route Pokémon, but that honor goes to Starly, so second favorite I guess...?

Current Progress...

Get all key items: 17/??

No other goal...


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Binks 25 Days ago
Binks 27 Days ago
Squeeeeep 1 Month ago
ShiroTempest 1 Month ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


TheClicky5 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #671730943
Registration: 06/04/2020 (4 Years ago)
Game Time: 85:39 Hours
Total interactions: 224,004
Money: 775,443
Starter Pokémon: Empoleon


Happy Pokémon Day everyone!
7 Months ago
Ok, I didn't win the last day's prize either, but at least I made it to the end of the calendar with more than 20 doors opened! Awesome. Let's bring this spirit into 2024's event distrubutions!
9 Months ago
Was a tad bit hard, but Day 23 complete!

Everyone... Whatever tomorrow's task is... Let's finish it with flying colors!
9 Months ago
Day 22 complete! And I actually went and opened this day's door this time! I really want to forget the mistake few days prior...
9 Months ago
Day 21 completed! Nothing from me today though.
9 Months ago
Day 20 has been easily completed! Like a walk in the park...
9 Months ago
Day 19 complete! Nothing to write...
9 Months ago
Day 18 complete... But I still feel empty after not opening yesterday's door...
9 Months ago
NOOO! I didn't open the advent door yesterday....
9 Months ago
#NewBeginnings for me...

One of them will probably be finally getting into the SV story, seeing that the DLC had it's full release a few days ago. First, though, I want to go back to SwSh's DLC and get the remaining only once Pokemon. (Initially, I chose Single Strike, Spectrier, and Regidrago.) Before setting off, since I heard that the second part of the SV DLC is much more challenging.
9 Months ago
Day 15 complete! Nothing to write...
9 Months ago
Day 14 complete! I went in thinking I didn't have enough to complete today's objective, but turns out I did! Not spoiling what it is though...
9 Months ago
Day 13... Is easily completed! I'm just thankful that I didn't have to stay up long today to do this one!
9 Months ago
Day 12 complete! Nothing to write here but the messages will be fun!
9 Months ago
Day 11 complete! Nothing to write still...
9 Months ago
Day 10 complete! I had a feeling that I wouldn't complete it today though, so I put in some extra time today.
9 Months ago
Day 9 complete! Nothing intresting here to write today either, though.
9 Months ago
Day 8 complete! Sadly, I have nothing fun written for this day, just very long waiting...
10 Months ago
Day 7 complete! I've came pre-prepared way before this day, though.
10 Months ago
Day 6 complete! Although, it was kinda unfortunate on how it started off. Stormy weather came when the day opened, and that was very odd.
10 Months ago



Last Action
Viewing current Event Distribution (19 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

AlexanderHamiltonWed, 28/Aug/2024, 22:09
Myles_impWed, 22/May/2024, 14:19
Charmander25Thu, 04/Apr/2024, 21:23
jubichuMon, 01/Apr/2024, 02:53
~MusicalYanma~Sun, 24/Mar/2024, 18:03

Personality Test Results...

Nodiatis RPG Personality Test:

The Cave Of Dragonflies' What Pokémon Are You?: