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Electric Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 67/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Cottonee455,312 / 6,211
Breloom497,800 / 10,734
Budew551,756 / 9,524
Stoutland546,868 / 9,159
Chatot544,832 / 9,159
Graveler569,507 / 9,897


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Newest gifts
SomebodysAutobot 9 Years ago
Red~Genesect 9 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


SvH_achu hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #686683760
Registration: 01/05/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 43:06 Hours
Total interactions: 19,904
Money: 84,633
Starter Pokémon: Emboar



Food. Just lots of food... Lol
8 Years ago
If mystery boxes are supposed to be soooo "special", then why have the last two I've opened had gems in them??
8 Years ago
Help!! I need to hatch an egg to have room for the advent gift!! Pls help me hatch them!!!
8 Years ago
Looking to buy both a red and a brown mystery key. I got PD!!! Pls hit me up!!
8 Years ago
I'm looking for red keys! I need two. I have a dark blue and purple I'd be willing to trade! PM me if interested plz!! :)
8 Years ago
So I found a mega stone in treasure hunt in the Game Center. How do you get a pokemon that can mega evolve? I know it has to have the mega evolution symbol, but is it really hard to find a pokemon that actually has that? Because I've not had much luck :'(
9 Years ago
Guys I lost my job :( so I might not be as active cause all I have is my crappy phone. Once I'm straightened away I promise mad clicks!!
9 Years ago
I give up on life
9 Years ago
Does anyone want to trade a red mystery key for either a purple one or a dark blue one?? Plz? lol
9 Years ago
#APotatosBirthday JEEZ lol
9 Years ago
Look at my super cute avatar! Thanks Red~Genesect!! :)
9 Years ago
I hatched a Plusle from a lab egg!!! D'aww
9 Years ago
My combee is a BOSS at makin' honey lol
9 Years ago
Finally got an electric type from an adoption, I never thought I'd actually see one! It's always bugs :P
9 Years ago
I want some honey, I've got a bunch of pokeballs I want to use!! I'm a total n00b though... haha
9 Years ago


Last Action
Watching the Rumble Overview (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

Red~GenesectWed, 31/Mar/2021, 08:41
ChadwicKedWed, 18/Dec/2019, 21:09
keife191Mon, 11/Jan/2016, 10:16
Vulpix_ArtWed, 30/Dec/2015, 01:52
Steven98Sat, 19/Dec/2015, 19:01