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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 43

Trainerpoints: 2,833/5,589


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Pika D Luffy
1,605856,424 / 7,732,891
Incineroar251120,696 / 220,263
Pienda24057,060 / 138,816
Buizel (Emera)19410,572 / 113,491

Tysm Charmander25 🥹

Last Visitors

SainagurlThu, 25/Jul/2024, 12:35
~KingPhoenix~Thu, 25/Jul/2024, 09:33
FoxezThu, 25/Jul/2024, 07:35
Charmander25Thu, 25/Jul/2024, 06:15
CelestiaCatTue, 16/Jul/2024, 12:52


Game Records

Trainer ID: #143723355
Registration: 29/05/2022 (2 Years ago)
Game Time: 988:21 Hours
Total interactions: 1,452,454
Money: 485,145
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Guys I'm taking a break for a short time

🗣️: what's the difference anyway. You are always offline

Me: 😒
1 Month ago
There was a time when this site was an emotion to me 🥺
1 Month ago
Oh so it's a nice event. I don't have anything to say. Seriously I'm not feeling bad or anything, i love this event. I just need some time to rest
1 Month ago
I got so obsessed with anime world that i lost the interest in my life now. I want adventure!!
1 Month ago
Sometimes I wanna be like Zoro
Sometimes I wanna be like Luffy

My favourite character changes in every episode of one piece lol. But one thing remains constant. Zoro and luffy are both dumb 😁
1 Month ago
It's better to give up in a good state, not after we prove ourselves a waste xD
1 Month ago
Imagine if we weren't born. How should I post this feed
How could you guys like this feed
How could you guys comment on this feed
How could you guys just stare at my feed
1 Month ago
What's up my online friends 🫶
1 Month ago
Omg I forgot it's already been 2 years since i joined PH!
Time really goes fast. Even though I wasn't online most of the time xD. I'm confused what to choose 🤔. I want them all
1 Month ago
Visiting my dream land japan 😌
2 Months ago
Your trainer ID's last two digits is likely going to be your age for getting married xD

Mine: 55
2 Months ago
I gotta keep my friendlist balanced
My friends: 185
Friends who added me: 185 xD
2 Months ago
Time to get more active again (︺︹︺)
3 Months ago
Been a while since i put a feed :)
3 Months ago
Do you make the same emotion in your face when you are gonna type an emoji. Unfortunately it's relatable for me xD
4 Months ago
It is proved that there is a parallel universe where the people looks just like us. What if They are playing PH like us now 😱. But one thing remains same. It won't cross 300 online users in a time xD
4 Months ago
I did so many mistakes in my life, but I never rejected a single person who adds me to their friend list 😎
4 Months ago
I wonder, how do I even get 20 likes for my feeds. Well I remember the days when I get one like after 1 day or more lol. Thank you so much guys. You are the best. This is a Thanksgiving feed for everyone who likes my feed :)
4 Months ago

Quote Hello there! Welcome to my world. It's time for a little facts about me:
🔸 You can call me stark Or whatever you like
🔸 Here is my Partner "Pika D luffy"!
🔸 Just an ordinary person like you guys
🔸 My palpad is always open. Feel free to talk with me if you are bored 🙂
🔸 I'm a high school student and probably I don't get enough time to play this game daily 🥲
🔸 If anything i can do for you, just let me know :)
🔸And also Feel free to add me on your friend list . If you are watching my profile, please click on my party too. That cuties will definitely like your precious clicks. So that's all for now. You'll find out more about me someday!! Thanks for all who visited my profile
