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Fairy Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 17

Trainerpoints: 563/883


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About Me

My favorite pokemon are: Jolteon, Umbreon, and Starapter.
As you can tell from my profile pic, I also love Shinx, Luxio, and Luxray.
I have only ever played DS Games Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Obviously I play here and I also play Pokemon Go.
As you could probably guess from reading that, I collect Sinnoh pokemon to complete the Sinnoh pokedex XD
From my Pokémon preferences, I believe I would be an Electric Trainer as I run Raichu, Raikou, and Jolteon for my Go Team and of course I favor a lot of Electric type Pokémon.
(Last Edited 5-31-2023)

I am currently trying to get shiny Liepards. I don't have a radar but I'm hoping that it still works, I should be in the 30-40 chain range as of 7-20-17. 1st Shiny on 07-05-2023, count was 113. Gonna hatch a few more and then switch to either Shinx or Miltank.

I like languages and I like to name my Pokemon IN other languages. My native language is American English but I can speak uncountable more. If their is a name that is long or confusing, I can translate it if you ask. Most of the time, I will use Latin, Spanish, Arabic, and Greek. Greek being my favorite. So if you want to find out on your own, it's most likely the previously listed.

I began playing here 5-26-2017.


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Newest gifts
Rat_Overlord 1 Year ago
whitefeathersrain 1 Year ago
Santoryu 1 Year ago
FoxxPyre 1 Year ago


RavenThorn hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #840815970
Registration: 26/05/2017 (7 Years ago)
Time Played: 80:37 Hours
Total interactions: 36,265
Money: 113,653
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


Does anyone want some Liepards? I have both genders ranging from lvl 41-50. All were found in the long grass. I have 3 at action but I have soooo many that it will take forever to sell them all. Ask for as many as you want and I'll set up the trade. I don't mind what pokemon you give me in return, I just want to clear out my chain box. If interested, post here or send me a message. Thank you.
7 Years ago
Please help me hatch him. I've been working sooo hard to get him. I'm so excited!!! XD

7 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (1 Year ago)

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Set #3
Set #4

Last Visitors

SwampertIsCoolThu, 29/Aug/2024, 03:41
Bubbly~Sat, 04/Nov/2023, 10:21
~Pikachow9375~Fri, 22/Sep/2023, 04:09
KaitelSun, 06/Aug/2023, 10:14
KyuuruFri, 04/Aug/2023, 09:58