How is everyone doing today?
Holy cow, I have been off for over a year and all my Pokemon are
still here, I feel like a terrible trainer...time to get back into
How many things are coming out this anniversary 0_0
Please help get my rapidash to 100!!!
I want a Raikou...but I can't get the game chips...I wanna cry
because I've gained and lost so much...
How long can it take for a Pokemon to come to your honey tree?
Which Pokemon should I always keep in my party, Rapidash, or
I have an extra Lugia I am willing to trade. I will trade it for a
cursed Ponyta (I don't know if that's the name, but I want the
ponyta version, not rapidash
Hey, I have two pidgeots in the auction house, each has a mystery
box. Please buy
Hey guys, so I am down to my last two Lugia eggs, which take mes
back to how I got ten vouchers for my moltres. At the time, I did
not know how rare a moltres actually was. So I am still sad that I
traded him for the ten vouchers. But, thankfully. I have confidence
that the moltres will be well taken care of. And to all those who
may future recieve a moltres, articuno, or zapdos, DONT TRADE IT.
Please, warn my lugia eggs, they are almost hatched!!!!!
When does knight axew evolve?
Hello to anyone on a lugia hunt. I no longer can trade any. Though
I have many in my party, one of them is for me, the others are
promised to people who have offered trade. So there is no more I
can do about it.
Alright, no more vouchers. But two eggs are still available I
believe. You'll have to wait until they hatch though, so I'll post
again when they've hatched
Hey, so with my lugia stuff, I wish to ask for anyone who I have
served or will be when the eggs hatch, just so I have a reminder,
please and thank!
Alright, I'm down to 2 eggs and one voucher
Hey, so I have two lugia eggs I'm willing to hatch and trade for,
and two lugia voutures I'm willing to sell. Ass me to your friend
list and talk to me via palpad if your interested! Thanks!
I HAVE MY MOLTRES!!!!!!!! Thankyou to all who helped!!!!!!
Hey, moltres is close to hatching! A few more warm ups and I'll
have it! Please and thankyou!