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Trainerlevel: 12

Trainerpoints: 308/443


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Hoothoot (Retro))
9223,677 / 25,669
16341,708 / 64,158
Capri Sun
10124,198 / 30,907
Slaking372,228 / 5,274
Galvantula421,849 / 5,419
Liepard413,281 / 5,167


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Magnemite 4 Years ago
Magnemite 4 Years ago
Magnemite 4 Years ago
Magnemite 4 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


NativeXatu hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #472635986
Registration: 16/06/2020 (4 Years ago)
Game Time: 9:45 Hours
Total interactions: 18,737
Money: 48,412
Starter Pokémon: Blaziken


Hello everyone! 'Ahihee' (thank you) so much to everyone who sent me plushies!! I wasn't expecting them at all haha, I appreciate them a lot! <3
4 Years ago
After Bulbasaur is Ivysaur! This Pokemon's name means "ivy lizard", which roughly translates into "k’ishishjizh na’oso’il" or "poison ivy lizard"! The word for just ivy is surprisingly much less commonly known than poison ivy!
4 Years ago
Not sure if anyone else would find this interesting, but since I'm trying to learn Navajo I thought it would be cool to translate Pokemon names the best I can into it! For example: Bulbasaur means "bulb lizard" which roughly translates to "leeyi’ ch’il na’oso'il" (can't type some of the accents here haha) or "underground plant lizard"!
4 Years ago

'idaa t'aa shihi

Arin • 19 • Male • Artist

Hidii (Bird) Dad - College Student - Taken

Ya'Q'aah (hello)! My name is Arin. I'm a mixed Native dude (learning Navajo), proud dad of three loud cockatiels, and digital artist!

My favorite Pokemon is Audino, but I also love every bird based Pokemon!

My favorite gen is Unova!
