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Trainerlevel: 21

Trainerpoints: 917/1,343


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Growlithe13399 / 684
7147 / 211

I am a medically diagnosed autistic person, and am very bad at conversing with others. Therefore, I may say things in a weird way or not understand things, or just seem weird or off. I apologize in advance. PLEASE do not hesitate to tell me boundaries, in fact this will help me understand what to and not to do.

I am a open-minded person, and it's very hard to make me genuinely upset or uncomfortable. However, if I do feel it's necessary, I will just drop the conversation. This will always pretty much be a last option thing especially because I hate conflict and blocking people.

I typically add people back on here, but I am VERY bad and inexperienced with talking to people. Therefore, if I don't say anything to you it's almost never personal–it takes me a while to warm up to people and gain confidence to talk to people directly.


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Newest gifts
MachineHymns 8 Days ago
dragonfly123 9 Days ago
dragonfly123 9 Days ago
dragonfly123 9 Days ago

Last Visitors

astralisToday, 06:01
SourAppleToday, 05:51
MaguroToday, 04:40
CheeseSandwichYesterday, 08:57
AdminusTue, 19/Nov/2024, 13:13

Game Records

Trainer ID: #600102904
Registration: 06/10/2024 (1 Month ago)
Game Time: 89:09 Hours
Total interactions: 112,024
Money: 3,663
Starter Pokémon: Serperior


By PokéRadar
Congratulations! A shiny Growlithe hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #43)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

:o It's not a sm though unfortunately lol
Today, 04:15
I know I don't talk about it very much to, well... Anyone, but yes I am in the furry community. Have been for several years now. Make of that what you will. (Technically re: coming out? Yippee)

Anyway since I'm trying to get back into drawing and such to get better at it, I thought about making a new fursona since my old one is heavily out-dated, being several years old now. I'll play around with some ideas for now and then start doing actual drawing soon to gain confidence.
6 Days ago
For some reason I randomly remembered that one internet trend where people were freezing their Omori plushys into actual ice.

That was definitely a trend alright.
7 Days ago
I am a grown man who still gets excited when I make dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets
8 Days ago
Pleaseeee Daycare person, I need eggs 😭 I've got a sm hunt to do
10 Days ago
Hey, so... If you're getting PMs or PP messages including a strange link, for the love of everything good in the world, don't go to it. Just report the message.

I got a message containing such a link, and I checked the profile of the sender, and they are a new account. I feel that says volumes. Though regardless, it's one of the oldest internet tricks in the book (suspicious links can redirect you to phishing sites and steal your information, you know how it is).

Stay safe out there, people. ദ്ദിᐢ._.ᐢ₎
11 Days ago
You push the dark blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!

The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...

1x Ultra Saddle found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
12 Days ago
I've had thoughts about moving to another country since, as a gay man, I'm admittedly scared of what's going to be happening. Unfortunately, I am both highly autistic and physically disabled, so it's very difficult for me to live on my own. I don't really know how I would explain this all to my mother, or if she would be on board with it, so I'm kind of stuck. I'm still trying to exist though.

Nevertheless, stay safe people. Remember that you all matter, and are deserving of wonderful things. And if you need to talk or vent to someone, my PalPad is open for everyone. I'm not the best at socializing, but I am more than happy to lend support to any who needs it.
14 Days ago
Me: I really should try to get this long-ish (personal) essay done

Also me: OMG TETRIS!!! *happy*
15 Days ago
Going back to my writer roots made me realize how much I love (and sometimes hate) writing. Though, when I write analyses on different forms of media I consume, it allows me to see them in ways that I couldn't before, so I feel a sense of accomplishment in that (if that's even the right word).
15 Days ago
So uh- I accept pretty much any friend request because I'm open to communication with anyone. But if I don't say anything to you it's not because I have something against you I'm just extremely introverted lol. It takes a while for me to warm up to people so if I'm quiet towards you it's almost never a personal thing, I just suck at communication. ( ̄▽ ̄ ;)ゞ
1 Month ago

About MachineHymns

Hello~ I am MachineHymns, also known as Samjo in some parts of the internet. I'm a 20 year old person (they/he) who just likes to do things and play internet games. I really like Project Moon games and BLVNs, especially Hashihime of the Old Book Town.

Always open to chatting or becoming friends with people, but I prefer to talk to other adults, as I am one myself. You can ask me to buy you a plushy if I can afford it, but please ask me or I won't know. I tend to be unaware of things. I'm always trying to stock up on DP~

I am on this game often as I have no life (everyone laugh), so don't hesitate to send me a message if you want! I usually respond pretty quickly, but I can sometimes get annoying especially if I get excited over something like special interests or characters I like LOL. (I am a certified yapper™ when I'm in a talkative mood)



Lovelies ♡︎