Happy holidays to everyone who can finally complete the Kalos dex
thanks to the events, lol
I wanna start a new shiny chain going, but what to hunt...?
I'm really struggling to find my last easter egg, I feel like I've
searched every page I know of at least three times! ^^;
statistically, if I hatch enough tyrogues and evolve them,
eventually I should get a hitmontop right?
Was there supposed to be an egg in the advent calendar? I don't
think I got it even though I opened all 24 doors
I just need the other two legendary birds and I'll have my kanto
dex filled!
Just a few hours left before I start releasing mons
Going to be releasing my shiny chain box soon, if anyone is
interested in adopting any from there, please let me know before
4 years and I've finally completed one of the dexes in the game TwT
I am going to stockpile so many exp powerorbs and then I am going
to completely crush the rowan quest i've had on the backburner for
a long while
Now that I finally finished my gible hunt, I've put up a poll to
decide what I'll hunt when this batch of eggs hatches
I've been on this shiny hunt for months now, I'm torn between
giving up and hatching some of the eggs I have in the boxes or
holding out hope for the next one to finally be "the one" with my
shiny gible in it
I'm definitely not going to finish today's advent calendar, gible
eggs take waaaay too long to hatch ^^;
oh gosh i've only got a few days left on my rowan quest and I'm
20(!) levels behind!! >n<
Hey y'all, I've got another rowan quest on my hands! Please
interact with Stella as much as possible!
Fellas I need some help leveling up Hudson for my Rowan quest!
Please interact with him!