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Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 148/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Boldore361,412 / 3,801
Dodrio383,531 / 4,447
Wobbuffet301,241 / 2,791
Ledian432,280 / 4,542
Staraptor401,800 / 4,790
Pidgeot41773 / 5,055

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Kaynam hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #475292399
Registration: 01/09/2024 (15 Days ago)
Game Time: 17:51 Hours
Total interactions: 60,741
Money: 28,069
Starter Pokémon: Feraligatr


Bithdy grl right here yipee
12 Days ago
Omg 4 nuggets at the treasure hunt (richest women alive)
13 Days ago

Last Visitors

CheeezToasteeeMon, 09/Sep/2024, 16:33
-Alakazam-Thu, 05/Sep/2024, 03:01
SwiftphoenixWed, 04/Sep/2024, 21:51
Grimmsnarl88888888Wed, 04/Sep/2024, 21:50
B0MBusWed, 04/Sep/2024, 17:08

Please train thoses little guys i love them


Last Action
Reading the news (9 Days ago)