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Trainerlevel: 78

Trainerpoints: 874/18,329


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
2,1623,265,249 / 16,770,288
(Mega Blastoise)
824411,272 / 2,422,647
(Exeggutor (Alolan))
1,28126,027 / 6,158,409
Dugtrio (Alolan)19140,286 / 110,017

Shiny Hunt

Jayka is currently hunting Pharraloin.
Hunt started: 19/09/2019

Chain: 92

About Me


I'm Jayka, aka Elise.
My Pokemon OC (avatar) is called Megan though :)
Her team consists of Wartortle, Cubone, Magneton, Seviper, Castform and Pidove, which are kind of my own favourite Pokemon.

Collecting plushies of:

Hoarding Pichu's, Pikachu and Raichu's (and Chu-specials).

My avatar is drawn for me by Ichan-01!


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Hawkeye559 3 Years ago
Thunder-75 3 Years ago
Koaghn 3 Years ago
Rellycanth 4 Years ago


Game Records

Trainer ID: #932707810
Registration: 05/08/2015 (9 Years ago)
Time Played: 2060:02 Hours
Total interactions: 2,531,190
Money: 1,645,689
Starter Pokémon: Venusaur


Hi! How are all of you doing? Had a longer break than I expected. I might have a little contest/give-away later on. :)

My friend started a little project and wants to send a postcard around the world. Would anyone want to be a part of it? :) Let me know and I'll tell more about it.
4 Years ago
S0AP is doing a giveaway go check it out.
5 Years ago
I promised to raffle away a shiny Swablu + 240 nuggets!
The winner is:

But... meanwhile I got two other shinies in PoGo (Tailow and Azumarill)! So I will add two extra prizes! (2 x Shiny Charmander +100 nuggets)
Those winners are:


I will send your prizes through private trades. (Just send some random Pokemon in return.)
5 Years ago
Remember I have a raffle going on for a shiny Swablu + 240 nuggets! Just leave a comment if you want a chance to win it.

Also, if you have Pokemon Go, you can add me with my friend code: 6188 2833 5932. Thanks!
5 Years ago
Would anyone like to be friends on Pokemon Go (and swap gifts sometimes)? It would be appreciated!
Friend code: 6188 2833 5932

While I'm on the matter, I recently caught my first Shiny over there! A Shiny Swablu! (now called Nugget). To celebrate, I'm raffling away a Shiny Swablu here on Pokeheroes. I will also add 240 nuggets(, because she's 184 CP + 56 HP). There will be one winner. Just comment here.
And if you like, tell me about your own Shiny experience in Pokemon Go or the Nintendo Game.
5 Years ago
I reinstalled Pokemon Go. Would anyone like to be friends (and swap gifts sometimes)?
Friend code: 6188 2833 5932
5 Years ago
By Riakos_bestfriend_S0AP
So what a good number?
25k nah
40k nah
Oh wait I know 300k nuggets

I'm giving away 10k nuggets to 30 different people

Just comment, share, and heart this to enter (Riakos_bestfriend_S0AP's post)

Will end in like 2-3 days have fun <3
5 Years ago
Whoooooooo~!! A S/Ma-Abra at egg #63. *_*
That sure was quick!
5 Years ago
Comment if you collect/need certain plushies and I'll gift some. Maybe not right away, but when I need to spend points :)
6 Years ago
Thank you to anomynous for the Christmas gift yesterday! I was barely online, so it was a nice surprise.
6 Years ago
2018: 111 (26x Squirtle, 84x Charmander (no S/Ma), 1 Satichu)
2017: 37 (All Squirtle!)
2016: 7 (Combee, Mareep, 5x Pichu)
2015: 1 (Combee!)
6 Years ago
#Mywishforchristmas Happy times!
6 Years ago
Why, Daycare eggs, are you all Pichu's? I wonder if I can complete my Satichu shiny chain before the New Years.

By the way, this was one of my 6 event passes I mentioned in the poll :) And since I'm hoarding Chu's I want the whole line.
6 Years ago
I still have some Christmas gifts (3) left, if someone would like an exchange!
6 Years ago
#MyBiggestAchievement Yesterday I won my first medal. Not very special, but it's nice finally have one :)
6 Years ago
OMG, I finally hatched my own Ditto after 3 years! :D Yaay!
Now I need to find a new goal XD
6 Years ago
So, as some of you might have noticed, I have a field with shiny Ampharos. Onizzzuka left them in my care when he left PH. He wants me to keep the hoard/family together.
But not all of them have names! They are named after cartoon/tv/anime characters, gods, etc, that are skilled in thunder and lighthing, electricity and things like that. Any name suggestions? :)
6 Years ago
Sweet! Random shiny Geodude hatched!

I will probably keep lab hunting for a while, since I only got two Arceus eggs so far (16 to go), so who knows what else I will hatch :) (I would love to get a Ditto after 3+ years!)
6 Years ago
After being locked up in the Pokemon Tower of Saffron City, my OC Megan (avatar) developed a huge fear of ghosts (and gained a friend of a lifetime: Cubone).
My Naruto OC also feared ghosts.

I guess my ToT fear of choice is obvious XD
6 Years ago



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Myles_impTue, 14/May/2024, 16:05
Ace~Tue, 20/Feb/2024, 17:00
FeeshFri, 22/Dec/2023, 23:22
Knock-OutSat, 09/Dec/2023, 21:12
SwiftphoenixThu, 10/Aug/2023, 04:31