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Trainerlevel: 55

Trainerpoints: 5,343/9,129


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Aaron Can
591,464 / 13,276
16158 / 817
Snom14144 / 631
Snom2042 / 1,261

About Me

My name: Ru/Icey
Gender: Genderless
My Status: Actively searching (i can give you affection, i can be your ph partner)
Age: On my 20's (early)
INTJ-T, I'm Neutral
I have PTSD and ADHD
My Best Friend :D <3
Cutie Cat Gurl <3
Awesome German Friend <3
Proud of my little Twin pigeons and guys (all my hatched shiny are male)
My first Shiny Milan: December 25th

Name: Nathan Trent (Herdier)
Name: Kay M (Lillipup)

Click the photo for a surprise ^-^

Shiny Hunt

Iceland is currently hunting Snom.
Hunt started: 04/07/2023

Chain: 1,115
26 37 0

Little Things

80's and 90's music (2000 counts too)
ESC (tv music show)
Study (only if i enjoy the subject)
Sports (i enjoy KSI, ty WC 2018)
FMX Klassík Doesn't exist anymore since 2020
Iceland winning ESC someday
WT (a very very unhealthy obsession) I'm just a Neighbor
MHA (Tsuyu and Kamie my lovers)
SIGZAI!!! aaaaaa ♥

When my country gets a NQ in ESC or belongs to a bottom 5 in Grand Final
Treat me as Female (They/them please)
The public places (nervous easily)
Horror movies x.x

Game Records

Trainer ID: #793491809
Registration: 24/03/2017 (7 Years ago)
Premium member until 29/Apr/2025
Game Time: 1595:28 Hours
Total interactions: 498,737
Money: 411,225
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


Can you please help me feeding Aaron Can?
Yesterday, 03:08
Hey, i did a poll after a long long time, choose wisely depending my personality don't vote impulsively
^^ enjoy
11 Days ago
Well.. I'm not coming back to school until january! and literally i'm on 8th semester!!!
15 Days ago
Depression kicked me again =S
20 Days ago
By PokéRadar - 1 Hour and 10 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Snom hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #681)!
Congratulations! A shiny Snom hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #685)!

No SM =( ??
24 Days ago
Guys from USA, i know all the chaos happened on your country, i live outside, but i want to comment: Feel free to talk with me, you're safe with me, Love you

26 Days ago
It's funny how my ex deleted me from social media, well you did a great job, because i don't want craps and cheaters on my profile. Thank you
1 Month ago
Happy halloween to everyone!!
1 Month ago
Congratulations! A shiny Snom hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #545)!
No sm yet =0
1 Month ago
We're officially back with shiny mega snow hunt,
Thank you to everyone, we reached the goal 5k nuggets for the premium ♥
1 Month ago
250 nuggets more.. i'm so close of the objective
1 Month ago
Shiny lab Carnivine??
1 Month ago
Praying for next semester: Don't be Mørland, Don't be Mørland Don't be Mørland Don't be Mørland Don't be Mørland Don't be Mørland

please, not her, she's cruel =S
1 Month ago
It's just me, or the "show more" button on notifications doesn't work =/
1 Month ago
I can't believe i'm collecting Pd to buy nuggets, finally i decided to save up for a year premium and start to play! so slow i collect nuggets ♥
2 Months ago
nickname(s): Icey
info about me: on my 20's, extremely depressed so bear with me
interests and hobbies: Oc's videogames, music
fandoms: well it's hard to choose only one
i often ramble about or would love conversations regarding: if you like ESC, IDV, videogames, cats and dogs, BSD, WT, etc etc XD
favorite conversation tones: No dry please, if you talk to me, talk me complete and about our favorite subjects ♥
general goal for friendship: listening, sharing stuff together, supporting you and same, but most important, i'm flexible to everything!
looking for friends general criteria: Young adults
interested? please message me through: Pal pad, messages too
other: If i delay to answer or if i don't login, because i'm on my last year of university and i have too many work
2 Months ago
Well finally I'm at school, but it's the last year, yippie!!
3 Months ago
Small but awesome piece of ink Still hurts but means a lot for me
3 Months ago
I'm healing my arm ^^;
Well it's because an appointment last sunday, if you want photo let me know and i'll post
3 Months ago
One week more, but first important stuff tomorrow and all the week XD

3 Months ago



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Browsing through notifications (10 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

szente1996Today, 13:39
CrysticiaToday, 12:54
VisitorToday, 08:02
Moon_StarlightToday, 03:28
SakuraWolf23Yesterday, 18:30

Badge Showcase

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Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


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Visitor 20 Hours ago
Zorrakas 3 Days ago
ShiroTempest 4 Days ago
Moon_Starlight 4 Days ago