remember if you want to chat or play anything with me check the
links on my profile
keep yourselves safe, some staff give me super weird vibes, and the
one who was banned keeps making side accounts. stay safe

last call for accepting your prizes

first place: -Loki-
second place: SillySelkie
third place: Chie
fourth place: DavidS
fifth place: Kiro-
sending out the prizes now. please accept them as soon as you can.
Kiro- message me please for what uncommon event pokemon you want so
i can get the egg.
if you have other trades up with me please accept them as soon as

please check if you have a trade from me. once im gone i wont be
able to accept trades

first two to comment a link to the list of pokemon youre missing
will get a random mix of pokemon you need. if ive already done this
for you please let someone else get it. you can get the link by
going to your pokedex and clicking missing.

first two to comment a link to the list of pokemon youre missing
will get a random mix of pokemon you need. if ive already done this
for you please let someone else get it. you can get the link by
going to your pokedex and clicking missing.

alright ill start up my final giveaway. the biggie
first place: ditto
second place: all my nuggets (326)
third place: all my pd
fourth place: all my items (includes a boatload of berries, i was
gonna try for the medal)
ill do a few other giveaways while im waiting for art to be
finished, but this is the biggie. the one yall been waiting for.
just like this feed to enter. no need to comment or anything. rng
will decide the winners

first 5 to comment get a shadow mewtwo. if you already have one,
give a few minutes for others to grab one please!

first three to comment a list of what pokemon theyre missing get a
random spam of pokemon theyre missing. i should have enough of a
variety to give at least 15 to each of the three :3

i could use some suggestions. I have very very sensitive skin. like
i have scars from bandaid because of the adhesive sensitive. new
thing is i have a cut on the back of my ear from wearing a mask.
any suggestions on how to prevent that? im currently thinking of
getting cotton pads to circle(tape?) around the elastic of the mask
where it touches my ear. does anyone have better ideas?

giveaway! tell me one of your favorite shows or youtubers(do not
suggest pewdiepie or dream. just dont)! two winners for a mega-able
typhlosion, five more winners for a shadow mewtwo. ends when i wake

once all the trades are accepted ill do another give away~ if you
won something, please check your private trades!! i just dont wanna
accidently give away things ive already set up a trade for!

give me your favorite online game that is SAFE. do not say
pokeheores, pfq or flight rising (simply because im already on and
love the last one)
rng will decide 5 winners for a shadow mewtwo

tell me your favorite irl animal! random retros, i have 13 so there
will be 13 winners. ends when i wake up

alright giveaway that will end when i wake up! tell me your
favorite ghost story (link is fine) or favorite type of creepy
creature! please nothing like spiders or that, i wanna keep it to
ghost sorta things! rng will chose winners
first place: Shadow magicarp
second place: shadow koffing
third place: shadow marill
keep it spooky scary! creepy pastas are fine, so are scps!

shiny giveaway! tell me your favorite shiny!! rng will decide the
first place: shiny galarian rapidash
second place: shiny altaria
third place: shiny ralts
(also can you gift shadow pokemon? like the ones with the purple
stars? checking before i do a giveaway with them, im assuming yes
but yaknow)

Giveaway! If you could change the typing of one pokemon, which one
and to what type? winners will be chosen by rng :3
First place: Winter Mareep, Flaafy, and Ampharos
Second place: Crystal Aron and Aggron
Third place: Winter Numel and Camerupt

first 8 people to tell me their favorite video game get a shadow
mewtwo. If youve already gotten one, let other people get one

giveaway ends when i wake up. comment your favorite character
design! mines a toss up between cosmog and sylveon
First place: Mega'd Charizard X and Y
Second place: Mega'd Skarmory
Third place: Mega'd Typhlosion
Fourth place: Mega'd Manectric

alright first 8 comments get a shadow mewtwo :3