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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 37

Trainerpoints: 1,173/4,143


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Breloom9354,756 / 57,526
Gyarados231,947 / 2,071
Masquerain261,063 / 2,107
Gyarados251,578 / 2,439
Gyarados2680 / 2,634
Gyarados242,023 / 2,251


1,104 / 1.000 Ground gem

946 / 1.000 Rock gem

2,549 / 4.000 Fighting gem

1,230 / 2.000 Poison gem

Get at least 2.500pd from a single rumble *sigh*
Complete Kanto Dex : 110/151
Hatch a shiny
Shiny MissingNo. (5/50)

some mons

I won't sell them, but if you provide me with the necessary gems, I can make an egg for you from the gem collector.

Testing bbcode

469 / 10.000 Normal gem

168 / 5.000 Ice gem

473 / 5.000 Ghost gem

Missing mon for kanto dex :


Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #286244624
Registration: 03/11/2023 (8 Months ago)
Game Time: 321:18 Hours
Total interactions: 647,577
Money: 1,314,885
Starter Pokémon: Blastoise


By PokéRadar - 2 Minutes and 44 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Geodude hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #78)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
27 Days ago
You obtained a new badge (Search for gold)!

Set 2 done. Finally >.>
1 Month ago
I get Nappy from the honey tree. I spent so much pokeball to catch him, i think i miss the fun part of it ...
1 Month ago
I found my ghoul today on the auction house page.
He was not here the first time the page loaded but the second time (:
Is the location random each time the page loads? Or is that a bug?
3 Months ago
Another day searching for gimmighoul with the help of different site maps and can't find them. I think i don't bother anymore and won't try again.
3 Months ago
Merry xmas all ♥
7 Months ago
Raylong quest done! \o/
7 Months ago
Yay, i got my first mega-able pokemon :D
(gifted from prof. rowan, but still)
7 Months ago
I think i got Spectrier from the lab now xD
8 Months ago
Starting the Harvest Sprites quest
8 Months ago



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Shiny 24 Days ago
LeoRia 24 Days ago
Skellart 25 Days ago
charnurse_ 26 Days ago