My trick or treat thing will always be kids (saves me writing this
every year)

So I've just checked my PalPad and realised I have a load of
messages, some dating back 3 years. If you've ever sent me a PalPad
message and thought I was ignoring you - I'm sorry! - I've
genuinely just seen them now. I feel awful.

#MyFavoriteMemory I adore Graham Norton, no one makes
me laugh like he does and laughter is very important to me. Shortly
after he joined Twitter, when he didn't have the millions of
followers he does now, I tweeted him while he was doing his radio
show to say I was listening as always and I was glad he was on
Twitter. HE REPLIED! He wrote three words which always make me
smile - you lovely woman! I normally can't accept compliments but
I'm having that because Graham Norton said that about me and that
means a hell of a lot.

#MyBestExperience of 2020 was FINALLY finding a hair
colour I'm happy with - dark brown with a red sheen. It's subtle
enough to not stand out in a crowd but different enough to satisfy
my inner goth!

Trick or treaters: little kids!

I have a spare mega-able Gengar, I've put it on auction for 24
hours starting at 1PD - grab yourself a bargain :)

Can someone tell me how Babylonian Wailmer evolves please? I can't
find the answer!

Got a retro egg from the lab a couple of weeks ago, it hatched into
a Togepi, I stored it away until I could be bothered to deal with
it - transfer, put on auction or wonder trade?
Just got round to dealing with it, went to put it on auction,
realised it was shiny.

Congratulations! A shiny Corsola hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #102)!
She's beautiful!

#MyFavoriteMemory 1997: I first heard about
Tamagotchis AGES before they were released, and I was immediately
hooked. When they finally came out I went to Toys R Us full of
excitement... to discover they were sold out. I remember a staff
member showing me her Tamagotchi on her belt and I was so jealous!
This continued for some time until we decided to queue outside the
shop before opening time when we knew there was a delivery of them.
It was only a 20 minute wait but for 13 year old me it felt like
forever. Finally the shop doors opened and we rushed in. I picked a
transparent pink Tamagotchi, and I remember leaving the shop and
just staring at it in my hands - I had a Tamagotchi! I was so
happy. 2019: 35 year old me still has Tamagotchis, about 200 of
them, but the pride of my collection is my transparent pink Tama

Thank you anon gift sender :)

I'm sorry I haven't been very active on here (and GPX+) lately, I'm
blaming Pokemon Shield! I'll make more of an effort from now on :)

#ThanksGiving Our old Sheltie Merlin, he's 15 but
still going strong(ish). And wifi...

For anyone trick or treating me: little kids

I'm back from my holiday :)


Hi everyone, please don't send me plushies for a while. I have
limited DP and I'm going away in a couple of days. Thanks :)

I'm so glad my first shadow Pokemon was a Rattata - rats are one of
my favourite animals <3

Dear Arceus, it's my birthday today so a shiny Hippopotas (male
please!) would be much appreciated! :D