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Ground Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 32

Trainerpoints: 1,151/3,103


This user's party is empty.

hi there! i'm leo.

i'm 24, go by he/him pronouns, and i really love ghost pokemon and the subway bosses!


Finish Shiny Deino Hunt

Full Subway Boss Team

Galar Dex

Feel free to add!

sillies below !!!

Collection | Gift Log

Name: Malaise
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage


Game Records

Trainer ID: #530969480
Registration: 15/05/2016 (8 Years ago)
Time Played: 188:22 Hours
Total interactions: 723,272
Money: 997,815
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


interaction exchange? I need to hatch these eggs
5 Months ago
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Deino in a row! You have now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!
6 Months ago
i knew this would be a really slow hunt but wow. 5 days and only a chain of 24 DX
6 Months ago
I've only been getting online to check the shiny hunt soooorry DX I just started a new job hehe :3
6 Months ago
to the user in the auction house with the litwick, currently watching a bidding war between my fiance and i-- we thank you for your patience (and it is all in good fun)
6 Months ago
spending all of my nuggets on dream points to spite the people who've tried to scam them out of me o7
6 Months ago
fixed up my page !! <3 interact exchange? im trying to hatch these deino eggs QWQ ;;
6 Months ago
found a solution for my image hosting problem :thumbs_up: now the only concern is replacing all my links eventually ........
6 Months ago
does any1 know a good image hosting site? my hosted images keep going dead and i have to refresh the links and it aint groovy. id prefer smth super super simple
6 Months ago
Your Lampent evolved into Chandelure!

and with that, i'm out of dusk stones.
6 Months ago
why are there so many sinnoh legendaries on the gts? are people overselling or are they suddenly shooting up in market value?
4 Years ago
oh my gosh its been ages since ive been on here ;;
hey yall! might be joining again
5 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Psyduck hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #74)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

i just now noticed lmao
6 Years ago
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Psyduck in a row! You now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!
6 Years ago
Sorry I've been so inactive as of late. I just got out of a big depressive period, and now while I'm up, I've been getting a lot of stuff done. I should be getting even busier soon, so my time on Pokeheroes might be slim to none. I'll try and check back nightly to keep up with the Psyduck hunt, maybe check up on a few friends. If you ever need me, my Palpad is always open, but I might not get to you right away. Take care!
6 Years ago
You push the red key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Red Orb found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
6 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Espurr hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #49)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

6 Years ago
By Doki*Doki*Pokemon*Club - 23 Days and 20 Hours ago.
I am doing a giveaway! Say #HappyNewYear! in order to get in the raffle! These are the rewards:

1: 65k PD
2: 20 Gold Nuggets
3: Random Colored Boxes and Keys (x3)

Gifts will be given away on January 20th ~!
6 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Rowlet hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #43)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

ah that was so fast!!!! hello, little one!!!
6 Years ago
You push the light blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Ultra Saddle found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
6 Years ago

MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!

voidfurryartist! x
SugarPoffin! x
kakosethos! x

(please interact with their beasts ty)

Shiny Hunt

Chandelure is currently hunting Deino.
Hunt started: 07/09/2024

Chain: 67


So. You're looking to outbid us on an auction, is that so? Well, auctions are events intended to raise money in contest for a specific item...

So. It must be the case that you also want this item up for auction, yes? As is only logical. Well, please, be so kind as to consider...

Nots doing that thing?

thank y.

this custom panel has been brought to you by the black mold in my bathroom


Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (4 Months ago)

Last Visitors

SniftyMrabThu, 07/Nov/2024, 00:55
GooBearSun, 03/Nov/2024, 18:01
Espy2015Mon, 28/Oct/2024, 09:49
weitaiSun, 27/Oct/2024, 10:14
KarangMon, 21/Oct/2024, 02:23