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Trainerlevel: 94

Trainerpoints: 25,644/26,601


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
(Mega Lopunny)
2,3284,202,964 / 16,265,737
5th OS
(Mega Camerupt)
557451,383 / 932,419
555125,358 / 1,094,324
1,6346,843,012 / 8,014,771
Sleepy Boi
1,1144,269,861 / 4,657,914
303232,758 / 322,599

About Me

Allura Vysoren is my mom ❤
24 years old, Canadian, gay. Call me Jessie

Next hunts
Show hidden content

- Sobble
- Grookey
- Scorbunny
- Oddish
- Ekans
- Aipom
- Sandshrew
- Starly

Mega hunts will start once i have enough gems. Contact me with gem prices. (gem donations would be appreciated)

Show hidden content

- Shiny Mega Shinx (Electric 9171/30,000
- Shiny mega Mareep (Electric ???/60,000)
- x2 Shiny Mega Snorunt (Ice 186/240,000)
- Shiny mega Swablu (Flying 739/30000 & Normal 1211/30000)

Do NOT message me about buying one of my Pokemon and/or item (that includes nuggets!) unless i've stated that i'm selling it. you WILL be blocked AND reported if you constantly do it.


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
~MysteryMew~ 1 Year ago
~MysteryMew~ 1 Year ago
~MysteryMew~ 1 Year ago
~MysteryMew~ 1 Year ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Last Visitors

ShatteredDiamondSun, 23/Mar/2025, 02:28
GojirathFri, 14/Feb/2025, 01:18
RkainjelWed, 05/Feb/2025, 16:59
~MysteryMew~Thu, 30/Jan/2025, 08:15
SugarKittySat, 18/Jan/2025, 17:39

Game Records

Trainer ID: #158918295
Registration: 16/05/2014 (10 Years ago)
Time Played: 2408:04 Hours
Total interactions: 5,828,283
Money: 2,627,890
Starter Pokémon: Emboar


Huh it’s been over a year now… somedays I’m tempted to come back. Other days not so much. Hmmm 🤔
3 Years ago
first time on here in months. cant say i exactly missed it lol life has been weird
4 Years ago
to anyone who wants to keep up with me, you can follow me on twitter or twitch @ jessiegames95 or if we're friends, hmu and we can add each other on discord :)
4 Years ago
so i've completely lost interest on here and this is the first time in 2 days i've opened this page. if i come back, fantastic. but who knows. life has been a lot and i've gotten new interests. to the people who i've actually been friends with, thanks for being there for me when i needed it. hope to see you all around. i'll officially be off by reset.
4 Years ago
ive barely touched this site the past week.
4 Years ago
why am i not surprised that people are already selling their easter ducklett for crazy prices? yall crazy if you're gonna buy them
4 Years ago
first year i didnt care about finding every single egg
4 Years ago
I asked 8 people who are currently home and not having to go to work for the time being to give me their dnd characters and backstory so I can create a story and add elements for each of them. It’s been a week now and 5 people have given me their characters and only 3 of those have given me backstories : ))) please. It’s such a simple task and you’re home all the time now. Here I am still working full time and still writing a whole campaign at the same time :)
4 Years ago
hunt is finally done ;-; gonna hatch the last few eggs and lab hunt a tiny bit and then back to shiny hunting
4 Years ago
35 eggs in daycare + 5 in party ;-; oh wow
4 Years ago
i just need to hatch one more shiny female snom and i'll finally be done this hunt! i wanna get started on another.
5 Years ago
the person who was our dm straight up told us she doesnt want to dm anymore so i've decided to. if the only way i get to play dnd is by being the dm, so be it. i just want to play!
5 Years ago
this isn't just because of customers. one of my friends texted us all today saying she has covid-19 and probably got it through her work. my coworker is also now home, since his brothers coworker had it, so now they're in self isolation for a week to see if they have symptoms or not. this isn't just some flu, this is a lot worse. you aren't 'cool' or 'edgy' for putting other peoples lives at risk. what that makes you is a moron and part of the problem. this has gotten to the point its at because of people like you. hope you're ready to deal with the consequences of your actions.
5 Years ago
during these times, stay the f home! unless you absolutely have to go to work, because your job is deemed essential, like mine, dont leave the house. im so tired of people complaining about being bored at home or straight up not caring and leaving the house. i would love to be at home these days instead of dealing with people and interacting with sick people who just dont care. stop. do i want to hang out with friends or the guy that i've been talking to? yes! am i going to? absolutely not. dont be an idiot. even if you aren't afraid of getting it cos you're young and fit, think about everyone else around you. do you want your family to get it or grandparents to get it and pass? no. STAY HOME AND WASH YOUR NASTY HANDS
from annoyed gas station cashier who's fed up with peoples BS.
5 Years ago
So my coworkers brother came in contact with corona. So they’re both self isolating. My boss is still forcing my manager to self isolate (since he was really sick with the flu, not corona) so I’m really stressed now. Both me and my boss are doing over 40 hours each since the other people we have can’t do those shifts. My stress and anxiety levels have been insane today having to scramble and fix and reschedule people. I hope I don’t get sick
5 Years ago
the past 4 hours of playing Animal Crossing has been the most at peace i've been in months. i love it
5 Years ago
that moment when suddenly your head is pounding, you have a slight cough, and your face feels hot.... please no ;-;
5 Years ago

Interactions made 4,451
Interactions received 3,981
Eggs hatched 30

an hour in and already 30 eggs. damn lol wish my couple would give me mooooore
5 Years ago
dnd has been cancelled on again : ))))) so i have officially left the group. good luck to them if they ever get a game to actually happen and good luck without a cleric. im tired of this. rather not have a group vs having a group and never playing
5 Years ago
5 Years ago

Shiny Hunt

AlluraVysoren is currently hunting Larvesta.
Hunt started: 22/04/2020

Chain: 1



Last Action
Managing Pokémon-Party (3 Years ago)