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Trainerlevel: 39

Trainerpoints: 772/4,601


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP

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"The girl with her pale white skin
that the summer got rid of
I find myself wanting to be possessed by her so much it brings me to tears..."
Shoujo Rei - MikitoP
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Quote from ~「dreame/rain ✦ any pronouns ✦ INTP-T ✦ casual player(?)」
~ JournalArt DumpUnvale ~

Hey there! I don't post a lot here nor am I very active in the social side of this site, but I am always looking for new friends :)

If I add you to my friend list, I probably thought you were a cool person - don't feel obligated to add me back though!

I am 8 hours ahead server time

My favorite pokemon are the Mareep and Wooloo evolution lines and Mimikyu! But to be honest I like all of them really-

I am a digital artist ! and while I also draw traditionally (on paper), I will rarely ever share those ^^;

ask me stuff/send me doodles here <- strawpage !

~ credits :
! Avatar and chibi in reminders panel drawn by me !
! Other images and GIFs are from alien stage !

Some reminders ♪

-> I have social anxiety, so it may take some time for me to respond to your messages... Please forgive me TwT

-> Other than the free shiny hunt extras, none of my other pokemon/items are up for trade UNLESS I specify about it directly.

-> I try my best to be nice and respectful, though I'm still young and honestly a bit air-headed so I might unknowingly say some bad stuff... Immediately let me know if that ever happens ;;

-> English isn't my first language, which can lead to some misunderstandings and confusion if the words or grammar I used aren't exactly clear or appropriate TwT feel free to ask me to elaborate if this ever happens >->

-> If you'd like to use my art (ONLY ON POKEHEROES), please credit me!

!! art in this panel is mine, as well as the character !!

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


~DreamingOfRain hasn't collected any medals so far.


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (3 Minutes ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #724507239
Registration: 29/03/2023 (1 Year ago)
Time Played: 829:52 Hours
Total interactions: 130,263
Money: 2,920,828
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


Congratulations, ~DreamingOfRain! Your Kanto-Dex is now complete!

Wow, really can't believe it... you achieved this huge goal and helped me so much with my research! I still remember the day when I gave you your Starter-Pokémon, Mudkip. Well, time flies by... I'm already getting a bit sentimental.
Anyway, the whole PokéHeroes Staff and all residents of Emera Town want to congratulate you!
Please take this certificate: it is proof of completing the Kanto-Dex.

Nevertheless, I have something else to talk about with you. I found this mysterious coloured egg recently on a Rumble Mission and I tried hard to hatch it, but with no success at all. I'm not sure if one could even hatch it - and if it even contains a Pokémon. But... the mystery behind it is fascinating me and I really want to uncover it.

OH MY GOODNESS I FINALLY COMPLETED IT !! ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ thank you so much to those who lent me the mons i needed and to those who just helped me in general ;;
1 Day ago
been so busy and spaced out these days that I momentarily forgot today was even my birthday... until my irl friends greeted me earlier at school and that's when I finally realized oop xp

aaaanyways thank you guys for the plushies and birthday wishes !! i appreciate them very much (〃´𓎟`〃)
10 Days ago
I decided to go and focus on completing my kanto dex once and for all, so I'm looking to buy/borrow missing kanto mons (missing mons listed here) !
Replies would be a bit late since I'll be at school for the time being. Thank you in advance !! ^^
19 Days ago
By PokéRadar - 10 Minutes and 51 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Toxel hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #134)!
first shiny hatched for 2025 ! >->
1 Month ago
it's officially 12 AM (or more accurately - almost 1 AM) here, so in that case... happy new year everyone !! here's to a hopefully pretty good year ^-^
1 Month ago
Congratulations! A shiny Toxel hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #61)!
another shiny! ...andddd wrong gender T-T So the hunt continues !
1 Month ago
By PokéRadar - 3 Minutes ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Toxel hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #32)!
reloaded the site and this girl honestly jumpscared the heck out of me 😶😶😶 anyways wrong gender so im gonna continue the hunt !! >->
1 Month ago
By PokéRadar - 9 Minutes and 34 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Sprigatito hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #359)!
OH MY GOD FINALLY !!! I guess it was meant to be a Christmas present TwT
1 Month ago

In PH, I'd like to hopefully complete my kanto dex sometime in 2025 and get more OT shinies for my collection - in real life, I guess I'd want to maintain good grades in school, to spend more time with friends and family and honestly - get more physically fit and healthy (I get sick too easily aaaa) andddd draw more art too perhaps?

Too tired (and sick lol) to continue on typing TwT but overall I just want 2025 to be a decent year for me ^u^"
1 Month ago
hatched the retro teddiursa !! unfortunately not a shiny like I was hoping it would be but it's still very cute xp
2 Months ago
got the retro egg ! :0
2 Months ago
sharing my #ChristmasWishlist :)
1. missing/favorite plushie spam
2. complete kanto dex
3. more pd/nuggets
4. more friends !!
5. definitely need better shiny luck-
2 Months ago
just realized my sprigatito chain reached 200... when will that shiny cat appear 💔💔
2 Months ago
Your coin is shining bright in the water!
(Slightly increased shiny chance)

will this 'boost' actually work though? (¬_¬)
2 Months ago
not again ToT my throat feels itchy ;;
2 Months ago
will this shiny grass cat hatch already?? this hunt already wasted almost the whole week where i was supposed to shiny hunt lapras ;n; and there's only 2 days left of shiver spark week ...
2 Months ago
You received a Plushie from ~DreamingOfRain!

Event Distribution

→ Your Collection
shiny mega ampharos plushie !!! <333
2 Months ago
help i keep taking abrupt hiatuses in the middle of my shiny hunts but anyways

Congratulations! A shiny Pikipek hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #228)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
finally hatched shiny birdie yippee
5 Months ago

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Missing plushies are also appreciated ^^
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Gift logCollection

the ivantill panel

"Now my heart is buried in Venice
Waiting for someone to take it home-

Say, say what you mean
Tell me the truth or tell me you're through
Oh, oh, oh, don't leave me to breathe
Don't leave me to bleed
For someone who chose to leave me be

My heart is buried in Venice
Waitin' for someone to take it home."

♪ My Heart is Buried in Venice - Ricky Montgomery ♪
