every time i log in onto this site again i wish i hadnt deleted old
posts lol. would love to know what went through 13 year old me's
little smooth brain.

to this day i still wonder am i loved or hated for being one of the
creators of the original dramaheroes blog lol

sometimes wen i type pokefarm my browser sugest pokeheroes and then
i end up here hehee

in exactly 1 month my account will be 6 years old what am i doing
with my life


so about the new mons
cinderace is so waifuable. i would marry her.

got a total of 0 skygift this year whats up yall B)

frens do any of you know someone who buys star pieces? i have 5 (:
for sale (;

i have some sky gifts from 5 yrs ago oh wowie

selling ultra saddle and one star piece!!!!

hhhhh selling ultra saddle blease buy my stuff

im selling an ultra saddle. contact me if u are interested

im going to punch meowstic

got another ultra saddle
im THIS close to buyin a horse

cuz i sure do
all the time

yall ever just feel like vomiting urself out of ur body