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Trainerlevel: 10

Trainerpoints: 101/309


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Metagross573,394 / 12,399
Beedrill51665 / 7,957
Camerupt616,465 / 11,347


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Absolites 9 Years ago

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Set #1
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vraj hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #70235430
Registration: 14/01/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 39:59 Hours
Total interactions: 2,263
Money: 18,011
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


anyone want to battle with me
8 Years ago
anyone wants to battle with me then send a comment in an hour ...... quick
8 Years ago
where i will go to buy a gem or gems for cauldron
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
what is endurance
9 Years ago
Anyone can tell me Where all find it Underlined words all write Adityash you then the Underline where did you find it se i go to the User NightRider your brother Right .....I help him
9 Years ago

We reached 40,000 members last Saturday and we also just reached the 500,000,000 interactions mark! That definitely is a reason to celebrate!
9 Years ago

Riako recently published a news post on the Index-Page! Be the first one to discover our newest updates:

[News #111]
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
I won an auction Ursaring leveled 114 in 100001
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
Intraction Exchange
9 Years ago
where the users find mega stone
9 Years ago
9 Years ago

You have been outbid on an auction!

Auction: Carvanha
(Your bid: 100 )

→ View auction
9 Years ago
You know, I love my life, I'm so good at this and that, smart and talented too! Best of all, I have the most awesome friends in the world!
But, I also have dark secrets. Never be fooled by perfections. Everyone has a problem. Mine can lead to suicide. But I can't die. I can't because…because…I have you
9 Years ago
I am selling a mega Unflreasent leveled 98
9 Years ago
Please help me in hatching eggs
9 Years ago
Tails buy a palpad
9 Years ago
hey hi was biddin g a Shiny level 1 of 22 pd then enyone b dreak it means he bid 4,000
9 Years ago


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Viewing a Userprofile (5 Years ago)

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Ashketchum33Sun, 23/Sep/2018, 05:27
VegitoBlueRoseYTTue, 26/Dec/2017, 14:35
NonuFri, 01/Dec/2017, 15:57
Savior-Of-DynastyMon, 02/Oct/2017, 05:52
lion-magnusSun, 16/Apr/2017, 19:20