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Fairy Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Formerly: ti84
Trainerlevel: 18

Trainerpoints: 216/989


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Scorbunny13295 / 351
Scorbunny14239 / 423
Scorbunny1463 / 423
Scorbunny13233 / 351
Scorbunny14119 / 423

IM ALWAYS looking for LOTS OF shiny or high valued event pokémon!!!

-(can send pm how much pd/what pokémon u want or just put it in comments)


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Remi_Fox 8 Days ago
purries 18 Days ago
Castiello11 26 Days ago
RaiseARoselia 28 Days ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (2 Days ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #703275116
Registration: 20/01/2025 (1 Month ago)
Time Played: 22:53 Hours
Total interactions: 40,834
Money: 32,244
Starter Pokémon: Marshtomp


This will be my final feed. Well, I joined this website all the way back in March. I loved this site, from the auction house, to the shiny hunting. In fact, after a long Break, I came back in September. I loved this site even more. I started playing. A lot. Too much. In fact, I played so much, that I started to think about this game constantly. About a month ago, I announced I was leaving. I came back 3 days later. I realized that I was addicted. I needed more. I couldn’t stop playing. And then, one day, I realized why. How could none of you have see it?! The daily rewards, the daycare releasing eggs, the shiny odds, the events, it’s all a trap. An endless vortex of time and energy all being spent on a website. The way this game is designed, it’s to make you start playing, and never stop playing. This message is to everybody that is new, and to everybody else. Stop wasting your time, your 1 life, playing a game that has you mentally hostage. Stop playing. Leave Pokeheroes.
8 Days ago
Winner of #ti83giveaway is dafishy, congrats!! Thank you all who participated!
11 Days ago
Remember, you can boost your odds of wining by 1.25x by adding to the price pool through gifts/priv trade
15 Days ago
132 people have joined the #ti83giveaway
15 Days ago
19 Days ago
GIVEAWAY (by$$ti83):
I have been very busy lately, so I am giving away all my items including PD, that would be 500k PD+many high valued Pokémon. I will still visit once in a while, maybe doing shiny hunt.
1 lucky winner will win it all!!

1. repost the entire message
2. have at least 20 hours of playtime
3. heart this post

EDIT:: Because so many people joined, if you add to the prize pot, it will increase your chances by x1.01 to x1.25 depending on value. (You can gift or send priv trade w/comment)


20 Days ago
If you would like to donate anything and add anything to the prize pool, feel free to private trade me! Chance will be x1.01 to x1.25 depending on how much is donated
(I'm doing this since so many people are joining already)
21 Days ago
GIVEAWAY (by$$ti83):
I have been very busy lately, so I am giving away all my items including PD, that would be 500k PD+many high valued Pokémon. I will still visit once in a while, maybe doing shiny hunt.
1 lucky winner will win it all!!

1. repost the entire message
2. have at least 20 hours of playtime
3. heart this post

21 Days ago
Anyone looking for a shiny Chikorita (Retro)? Now in auction:
23 Days ago
starting hunt for shiny Duraludon!!
23 Days ago
Congratulations! A shiny Eevee hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #61)!
23 Days ago
Puddra Auction
26 Days ago
26 Days ago
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Eevee in a row! You have now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!
27 Days ago
IK u want it
28 Days ago
Looking to see what I can get in return for my 100k PD, send priv trade if you want
29 Days ago
Puddra up on auction house
29 Days ago
1 Month ago
By LiamTheGoat - 4 Days and 11 Hours ago.
Since so many people joined my last giveaway I'ma do another one rn. Heart the original message by me aka LiamTheGoat and share this entire post/feed. This giveaway ends February 9th and I'm giving away 123 nuggets. Good luck :)
1 Month ago


Last Visitors

~Yanma~Yesterday, 19:43
L04826Yesterday, 10:31
BEman12ahMon, 10/Mar/2025, 17:11
TZ__KIHANEMon, 10/Mar/2025, 15:56
Dave_Da_GoaadMon, 10/Mar/2025, 12:29