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Poison Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 26

Trainerpoints: 323/2,053


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
381477,165 / 512,607
Mightyena546,694 / 8,911
Stoutland585,487 / 10,665
Kricketune579,046 / 10,278
Liepard547,533 / 8,911
Wailmer372,116 / 5,316

About Me

I ask the questions around these parts. If you want to ask me something, my answer is usually not what you are looking for :3

Anyways, My favourite memes are Troll face, Thomas the Dank Engine,
Le Derp, and Doge.

I enjoy many things, but don't obsess over them... usually.

I am friendly at most times, but I will be witty, and bite back.

Almost everything I say isn't to be taken too seriously, but when I am
being serious, I expect to be taken seriously. Like, seriously,
come on... How can you tell if I'm actually being serious?


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
subliminalcanine 9 Years ago
carterd888 9 Years ago
kendall_000 9 Years ago
Scarlet~ 9 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


subliminalcanine hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #933069904
Registration: 14/09/2014 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 100:06 Hours
Total interactions: 267,354
Money: 178,787
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


Is there a place I can go to like claim free stuff once per day or something like that?
9 Years ago

You fed #Yellowrat a Chesto Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 2,466 x 2 = 4,932 Exp. Points.

You have been rewarded with 10 Pokédollar!

9 Years ago
searching for gold for two weeks now, wish there was a hint button... Oh well, I'll just feel stupider when I find out :3
9 Years ago
Yeah, yet another pokemon I don't already own!
9 Years ago
Shop open with some berries yay!
9 Years ago
Anyone want to let me win a battle against them if that is allowed?
9 Years ago
Is it just me when I click on a button while interacting it get's stuck on a button and doesn't go to the next page, then when I stop clicking for about 5 seconds it reloads the page multiple times at blinding speeds, and then eventually stops, depending on how much I button mash n and click it goes for longer...
9 Years ago
Interaction exchange?
9 Years ago
#MassClickLotto I didn't manage to reach my goal. The winning number was 3. Participation prizes are being given out.
9 Years ago
I am attempting at 100,000 interactions today.
If I do not make it to 100k, Everyone who guesses the right number I have already chosen (1-10) gets 5k PD.
If I do make it, the winner(s) get 5k PD + 1 PD for every interaction I received. To enter: Make a post including my hashtag, and the number from 1 to 10 you guess. Everyone gets a participation zubat plushie.
9 Years ago
#ShinyHuntEevee I think it's done?
9 Years ago
Password: Cinamomatt
9 Years ago
How much is an Azelf voucher worth? I have one from golden slot a while back.
9 Years ago



Last Action
Browsing through notifications (5 Years ago)

Last Visitors

MrChiwiWolfWed, 07/Apr/2021, 00:07
jakeFri, 20/Sep/2019, 20:34
zerefthedarkSun, 08/Oct/2017, 19:03
MewgoneSat, 21/Jan/2017, 20:31
SwiftphoenixFri, 29/Apr/2016, 01:06