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Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 538/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Igglybuff6610,027 / 10,614
Unown B432,442 / 5,677
Linoone648,083 / 12,481
Amoonguss592,678 / 10,621
Liepard609,609 / 10,981
Woobat612,477 / 11,347


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Newest gifts
SlayerSlaying 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


smurfke171921 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #108984315
Registration: 16/09/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 46:39 Hours
Total interactions: 10,739
Money: 41,702
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


How to evolve eevee in umbreon?
8 Years ago
Is there a clicklist for your own boxes?
8 Years ago
What's with the pika event, what do you get when you finish it?
8 Years ago
Can you move berries from berry bag too item bag?
8 Years ago
What's the best way to earn pokedollars?
9 Years ago


Last Action
Eating lunch at Los Seashellos (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

morphredMon, 09/Nov/2015, 08:35
GreenTeaThu, 05/Nov/2015, 09:36
DoomedDeathReaperFri, 30/Oct/2015, 20:47
AyaseFri, 30/Oct/2015, 00:36
TJ25Thu, 29/Oct/2015, 11:22