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Trainerlevel: 22

Trainerpoints: 388/1,473


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Riolu9727,145 / 31,398
Graveler592,935 / 11,061
Budew59811 / 11,061
Cottonee579,268 / 9,919
Seismitoad597,397 / 11,061
Gogoat584,884 / 10,267

About Me

hi not telling you my name
I like cats anime homestuck vanguard naruto dragon ball
I hate my neighbour dogs

maybe Ill add more


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Newest gifts
xShadow 9 Years ago
Kainbunny 9 Years ago
JinX 9 Years ago
shayleo 9 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


shayleo hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #523323127
Registration: 06/12/2013 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 289:59 Hours
Total interactions: 24,241
Money: 110,676
Starter Pokémon: Charizard


who wants plushies
9 Years ago
502 bad gateway
9 Years ago
please tell me the interaction qeust dosnt reset
9 Years ago
I havnt done one of these in a while so comment for plushies
1 dragonite
2 metagross I think thats its name
3 snivy
4 bisharp
5 magikarp
so comment as fast as you can
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
please interact with mason
9 Years ago
3 minute till I get my grooundon ruby
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
help charlotte im going to lose to oak his pokemon is level 100
9 Years ago
lovemeter is full
9 Years ago
cool the lovemeter is almost full
9 Years ago
whoever interacts with charlotte I will interact whith berrys to your full party
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
help charlotte reach 51
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
9 Years ago



Last Action
Viewing qwerty (9 Years ago)

Last Visitors

Remy_PendrenSat, 03/Nov/2018, 12:20
ChitabuThu, 14/Dec/2017, 18:19
Anime-EXETue, 13/Sep/2016, 00:13
VolchonokMon, 30/May/2016, 15:17
GreenTeaThu, 05/Nov/2015, 09:33