For anyone who’s still on my friends list from years ago and
remembers me and ~animesenpai~ well I figured I’d pop back on here
and thank this site and everyone for everything. We just got
married on Saturday and had the best day of our lives. It’s all
thanks to this site where it started and we bonded over Pokémon and
fell in love.

It feels weird Af coming back online

Please Spread this hashtag today for World Health Day to fight
Feel free to go i
donate or share the hashtag on social
Leave a possitive message in the comments for those effected by
Covid-19 small or big! Everyone Stay Safe and I wish you all the

You know i'm pretty lost in this world, and that's okay. While I
enjoy spending my time alone, I've realized everyone else is
talking and face timing their families and friends while we're all
locked up in our homes (or at least those who are listening to our
governor) i'm spending the days cleaning and being online, and even
online I don't really talk to anybody... I'm actually pretty lonely
for the first time in a long time. I don't really have any
friends... and the ones that I did I lost contact with (bc i'm
antisocial af). I guess my point is to just be nice to everybody?
Or maybe I didn't even have a point and just wrote this for myself.
Idk :/

Well after this month ends i'll be retiring my Nickit hunt. What
are some suggestions for my next hunt?

Sometimes anxiety is the worst.

Congratulations! A shiny Nickit hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #241)!
Yay! Birthday Shiny

Go check out
rangerkays last post. She has five shiny combee slots
open for this month!

Our event
shop is officially updated with both
AnimeSenpai and I's Pokemon and i'm so happy! ^.^

rangerkay is selling shiny combee slots. If interested
head to her profile or to our
Shiny/Mega able breeding shop! I am selling
shiny nickit slots and AnimeSenpai is selling shiny/mega able
pidgey slots in our shop! We also have event hunts there that you
can request if needed.

RIP to Kobe Bryant, his daughter GiGi and the 7 others who have
passed away in the Calabasas helicopter crash today. I hope the
family's and loved ones can find peace somehow after this

While my new avatar isn't exactly what I want, it's the next best
thing I could find! And i'm glad I was able to at least find
something I can feel a connection too.

I'm finally getting back into writing it seems, it's been a long
time. Also i'm still looking for an artist on here to do a really
special avatar commission for me. I've wanted to do it for a long
while but never found anyone.

I know it's late... since we've had him for months, but is anyone
interested in a meet Da Vinci (our kitten)?

You know it really sucks when you are a really family oriented
person and you get so excited to see you're grandpa who lives 10
minutes away from you, but you only see him once a year (to
celebrate your birthday like a month late). who tells you he'll be
over to check out you're first apartment. Then proceeds to ask if
he can change it to a day later at 9am (of course the day we leave
for Maryland) and me being the nice person I am, i'm like yea sure!
Then 9am rolls around, then 10, then 10:30. and you text him how to
navigate to your place. He answers at 11 saying he's gonna be late.
11:30 comes and he finally gets here, ignoring my directions. He
get's out of his car, his wife refuses to. I show him around my
small apartment, barely introduce him to my cats and try to start
up a conversation. He then proceeds to leave telling me bye and
that they're going to Columbus now out of the sudden (of course to
go gamble) Im so sick of this, its like none of my grandparents
wanna be around.

Merry Christmas everybody!

I promise i'm not on santa's naughty list!

Oml, 5 days till Christmas it's gonna be the best and craziest
Christmas I've ever had. 3 Christmas parties here in Ohio... 2
parties in Maryland with my bf's family. It's our first Christmas
together waking up in our apartment with our new additions to our
little family (our cats). Can't wait. Just hoping everything goes
smoothly and for a white Christmas this year ^.^