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Trainerlevel: 16

Trainerpoints: 310/783


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Ponyta13118 / 547
Bagon21534 / 1,734
Ivysaur24332 / 1,527

My current auctions

No auctions available currently


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Newest gifts
Riodise 1 Day ago
Ravet 2 Days ago
RedSky 8 Days ago
evrondc 8 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4

Game Records

Trainer ID: #751267261
Registration: 22/06/2024 (11 Days ago)
Game Time: 37:02 Hours
Total interactions: 60,473
Money: 1,606
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


pokefan5934 hasn't posted any feeds so far.


Last Action
Using the Item Bag (2 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

ChristophYesterday, 22:49
WisteriaWoods87Yesterday, 16:30
Natsuki_unknownYesterday, 15:46
PiksfulSun, 30/Jun/2024, 14:39
BREADLOVER777Sat, 29/Jun/2024, 21:36

About me

Well I’m normally a kind and compassionate. I am also a good listener. But I do have a bit of a temper. And I love bug pokemon but I hate bugs in real life XD. Except for moths and butterflies
Hmm... what else... oh! Sometimes I can’t spell certain words right. Also I love all Pokémon(with certain exceptions). Well that’s it about me. Why not drop a message to chat about Pokémon or if you wanna know more about me. See ya!

Current Goals/ long term goals

Current goal/long term goal #1: get cosplay box(beauty)

My Current Trades

No trades available right now