You push the red key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the
left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look into it curiously...
1x Red Orb found!

anyone else's bug catching contest just suddenly refusing to
generate any more pokemon to click on partway through?

goodnight everyone. you are all put on this earth to enrich it

sucks that the auction house ditto can no longer be bid on without
outright buying it even though the account that bid on it is locked
for longer than the auction will be going on for

what is the x4 interaction icon portraying? i dont recognize it

YOOOOO shiny retro zapdos

undertale yellow spoilers but zenith martlet is such a baddie. wish
i looked like her

whoevers idea it was to make the bobbing for apples possibly reward
only a single, regular pokeball: do you feel joy at taking a daily
that is only doable for a week or so once every two years? my

DANG IT server reset right after i finally was about to clear the

are maps allowed for the fun fair corn maze? i have ocd and not
being able to find my way around has my fight or flight on

oh Board of Governors from the jekyll and hyde musical absolutely,
as my friend kirb would say, "cunks"

my back and bones and muscles and everything hurt so bad this week.
everyone in my house has had an awful week for varying reasons and
my wife is on her hormone cycle so shes not doing too well either

okay but a nothing left to lose animatic for croissant cookie and
timekeeper cookie would be kinda fire actually. like tbd director
croissant attempting to reason with ruler of the ephemeral flow
timekeeper, only for the imprisonment of croissant at the end of
the song to be within the rift, in turn leading her to become ruler
of the ephemeral flow

getting back into cookie run kingdom bc i saw shadow milk cookie
and ran out of videogames to play and shadow milk cookie is like
the most transfem voiced character i have ever heard in my life.
devsis will probably just make smc a boy but the market for deep
voiced insane girl jesters is too undersaturated. jevil? cicero?
that triangle in the top hat from gravity falls? all boys! give us
girlies some jestercore shenanigans other than just a pilot episode
for a series the creators didnt even commit to continuing

cannot get the smash bros remix of that homer simpson horror parody
song out of my head. all that GREEN RADIATION it CAUSED a MUTATION
it made me go CRAZY theres no EXPLANATION

its so cold in my room that i can see my breath (everyone else in
the house is fine their rooms are heated and i am also fine because
i have a heated blanket keeping my body warm)... erm, what the

its my birthday, i get to point out how good Dictator from mario
madness v2 is as a jam

anyone wanna exchange gifts?


i love having open boundaries with my wife shes so swag and open
when i ask about her feelings on something