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Dark Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 14

Trainerpoints: 91/601


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Luxray653,123 / 13,580
Cacturne651,292 / 13,580
Seaking621,072 / 11,719
Tentacruel5310,050 / 10,734
Muk634,050 / 12,097
Skuntank6211,162 / 11,719

About me!

I love meeting new people and anything creative
Anime is my life UwU top 3 is:
-One piece
-Fairy Tail
i have 2 cats and 2 dogs
Please feel free to come to me if you need a friend or if there is anyway i can help!

Game Records

Trainer ID: #389600105
Registration: 02/09/2021 (3 Years ago)
Game Time: 25:08 Hours
Total interactions: 14,068
Money: 12,359
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


By Gosth - 2 Days and 12 Hours ago.

Good morning, evening or night to yall, as you might know today is october 1st, the spookiest month of all, wich means that my birthday is near!
Well, every year since i joined this site, i like to do a giveaway, and this year won't be an exception.
So, what should i give away? Hmmm....

I know! I will give away some of my nuggets, not 50, not 500 but 1k nuggets that will be divided into 5 lucky participants
5th place: 50 nuggets
4th place: 100 nuggets
3rd place: 150 nuggets
2nd place: 200 nuggets
1st place: 500 nuggets

Okay, i think this is fair, but now, how to enter? Simple, just share this whole feed AND ❤ this feed, is very important that you heart it

This will end on october 20 as soon i wake up

Good luck to everyone!
2 Years ago
anybody have spare flying/dragon gems?
3 Years ago
I went to the bathroom at school and i found A DOG a dog was in the bathroom! it was so adorable!!
3 Years ago
Im about to take a big math test wish me luck im gonna need it TT_TT
3 Years ago
I was in the hallway at school and it was crowded then someone decided itt was a great idea to throw a freakin water balloon!I got soaked TT_TT
3 Years ago
i have tons of lugia egg vouchers i will give 1 for each medium rarity or above that i dont have to get 1!
3 Years ago
I got a hoopa!
3 Years ago
im new and would love to make friends!
3 Years ago


Last Visitors

ShrednawSun, 08/Sep/2024, 15:24
umbrollax5x7Sat, 12/Aug/2023, 13:39
CourageousBlastoiseWed, 05/Jul/2023, 16:55
AGameTheoryFanWed, 01/Mar/2023, 03:44
Ichigo313Mon, 12/Sep/2022, 01:36


Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (2 Years ago)