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Trainerlevel: 40

Trainerpoints: 781/4,839


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
you lead the way
(Dr. Honch)
350210,157 / 431,846
to my brief respite
15522,508 / 82,484


Whilst the world’s on fire,
Make the biggest smile,
Like its beautiful,
Everyone smile…


Game Records

Trainer ID: #120219279
Registration: 30/06/2020 (4 Years ago)
Time Played: 944:39 Hours
Total interactions: 120,659
Money: 1,082,432
Starter Pokémon: Infernape


I'll stay a moment to trade the items, so while I'm still here, people can grab whatever from my boxes. only if the pokemon are 1, not shiny... 2, not legendary.
ill be here a day or two more.
8 Months ago
Giving out the items now. if someone got something and didn't mean to get it, just give it to someone else who wants it or something. idk.
8 Months ago

Hehe, well... I suppose this marks the end?

There will be 10 "winners", while the rest get to take whatever is left in my boxes. The rewards in no particular value order, but the rewards currently...

1. shiny retro Suicune+ 750k + 7 Star Piece
2. 250k + Mega stone + Ditto
3. 11 Shinies and a few legendaries (whatever the person wants, in case they don't want 4 Hoopas)
4. Black Mystery key + Ultra Sadle + 10 Dragon Gems
5. Art of Combat + Dark stone

and a few other things, less of value of course (all my berries, form change items, evolution items, gems, boxes and keys, bait, relics... stuff like that)

this will go until... May 15? who knows.
anyways, spread this around, if you'd please.
9 Months ago
Hh. Its going to be like that today, isnt it?
Immense sadness and such.
9 Months ago
i wish I were a bomb
9 Months ago
Living in an upper america state
Maybe I should grow another mango tree for the sillies?
9 Months ago
ive never felt more bored in my life
9 Months ago
A short conversation, and my irritation turns to hatred. Hh..
9 Months ago
my silly mind is thinking about giveaways.
9 Months ago
oh look at that
my money reached a 1 million.
well thats nice i suppose.
9 Months ago
I just remembered an old dream i had.
I liked it a lot… didnt i?
Ill write it in comments cause i feel like thinking about it.
9 Months ago
Here I was, walking outside, listening to music and bopping. I even got dressed nicely. Then some little kids come up and are like
“what are you wearing? you look emo.”

Im wearing jeans, and a red dress shirt.
Breaks my heart, being seen this way.
9 Months ago
The oc i use for games is so pretty and im kinda confused why i dont use them more for other things than just games.
9 Months ago
it appears that I am going to spend over 50 dollars for something in a game.
9 Months ago
Whenever I do giveaways, they usually have huge rewards.
I wonder if anyone would notice if I did one with the secret purpose of leaving? I don't think the rewards would be so different.
9 Months ago
The site rules here genuinely confuse me.
9 Months ago
Elden ring is the reason for my suffering.
Im running around with terrible armour and a beetle head because i am a god.
10 Months ago
I’m feeling like a funny haha silly guy today
I might just do something comedic.
10 Months ago
Hehehe im gonna turn into a car
10 Months ago
Curiosity will kill me
11 Months ago