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Trainerlevel: 7

Trainerpoints: 75/153


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Pichu9218,082 / 25,669
Luxray9820,111 / 32,073
Vulpix99999 / 29,701
Dewott955,718 / 30,068
Dustox80517 / 19,441
Sceptile6711,774 / 14,478

About Me

I am an artist, and it has been 8 years since I've played PKMN since I don't like the newer ones ^^;
My DeviantArt account: www.youwho30.deviantart.com
All of my PKMN (current): http://fav.me/d9y0b0u

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Youwho30 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #985092220
Registration: 05/04/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 8:56 Hours
Total interactions: 4,596
Money: 1,641
Starter Pokémon: Dewott


Anyone have a Miltank or a Combee they'd be willing to trade for any of these pokemon? --> http://fav.me/d9y0b0u
and/or an everstone?
8 Years ago
I regret choosing Oshawat, Because I wanted Mudkip :'D
8 Years ago


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

SGamer22Sat, 11/Jun/2016, 19:13
KittyHawkThu, 07/Apr/2016, 05:21
-BlueMoon-Thu, 07/Apr/2016, 05:21
ubiquitousThu, 07/Apr/2016, 01:50
EspeonRayneWed, 06/Apr/2016, 18:00