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Trainerlevel: 11

Trainerpoints: 367/373


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Golurk8517,409 / 21,931
Salamence8113,479 / 24,909
Scizor7711,816 / 18,019
Flygon841,216 / 23,271
Milotic1117,677 / 22,378
Barbaracle8923,870 / 24,031


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Newest gifts
gardenApothecary 7 Years ago
WinterNight 7 Years ago
reality_dreamer 7 Years ago
reality_dreamer 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


YissyCake hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #92007417
Registration: 18/09/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 25:58 Hours
Total interactions: 11,495
Money: 8,900
Starter Pokémon: Blastoise


I just realized that I have a porygon
7 Years ago
oh great now I have to wait for a razor claw :')
7 Years ago
soothe bells !!!! :D
7 Years ago
? Is it possible to get a soothe bell
7 Years ago
(crying tears of joy because sun stone)
7 Years ago
I got 5000-6000 poke dollars today just for this prism scale LOL and just in time too (I've been click listing)
7 Years ago
ofc there's a prism scale in the shop when I don't have money ;_;
7 Years ago
Note to self: I need a sun stone
8 Years ago
AAA finally got my dusk stones I'm rly excited LOL
8 Years ago
Anyone have a soothe bell or willing to trade for one?
8 Years ago
tfw you really need like 2 dusk stones
8 Years ago


Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

MishWishSun, 10/Mar/2019, 05:47
REDACTEDSat, 03/Jun/2017, 18:17
miakayukiThu, 13/Apr/2017, 17:38
reality_dreamerThu, 13/Apr/2017, 06:27
starboyMon, 03/Apr/2017, 12:16