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Fairy Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 560/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Garchomp67581 / 17,086
Jumpluff796,620 / 20,469
Dodrio8014,935 / 19,441
Beedrill6611,605 / 13,267


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Newest gifts
WingedGolem 7 Years ago
Louna 8 Years ago
spoons 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Ultimatespider5505 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #564599873
Registration: 06/04/2016 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 15:10 Hours
Total interactions: 60,798
Money: 7,425
Starter Pokémon: Venusaur


the first to comment here will get 10 k
8 Years ago
My chain is 22 and I have got 4 mega able
8 Years ago
If one of my gardevoir egg hatch shiny one will get 100 nuggets and if its mega able he will get 75 nuggets hatch it fast
8 Years ago
8 Years ago
8 Years ago
selling shiny retro ducklet
8 Years ago
Selling retro shiny ducklet palpad me
8 Years ago
Selling shiny retro ducklet
8 Years ago
12,669 / 15,000 Ducklett Feathers

Reward: Shiny Retro Egg
8 Years ago
what can i get for a shiny retro ducklet
8 Years ago
selling hardy natuture ralts female MEGA ABLE
8 Years ago
Today is my birthday and I got 6511 feather
8 Years ago
anyone want retro delibird
8 Years ago

Daily statistics

Interactions made 18,918
Interactions received 2,138
Eggs hatched 36
Forum posts 1

8 Years ago
anyone interested to buy retro delibird female adament nature
8 Years ago

Interactions made 18,010
Interactions received 1,323
Eggs hatched 22
Forum posts 1

Interactions made 18,010
Interactions received 1,323
Eggs hatched 22
Forum posts 1
8 Years ago
whta is the price of retro delibird
8 Years ago
what is the price of delibird retro
8 Years ago


Last Action
Bug-Hatching Contest (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

WandyWed, 10/May/2017, 03:44
champ1509Tue, 07/Feb/2017, 09:37
DrBlepperMon, 06/Feb/2017, 22:18
Neph~Sat, 04/Feb/2017, 16:54
Iron_FistSat, 04/Feb/2017, 16:54