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Trainerlevel: 12

Trainerpoints: 173/443


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Poliwhirl46559 / 6,489
Zebstrika441,567 / 5,941
Haunter47508 / 6,798
Krookodile462,738 / 6,489
Minccino523,227 / 6,615
Sandslash423,370 / 5,419


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Newest gifts
Wisterika 3 Years ago
skill99linus 3 Years ago
Lord_Dekker 3 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Timbu hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #901592879
Registration: 19/08/2020 (3 Years ago)
Game Time: 7:14 Hours
Total interactions: 8,010
Money: 19,956
Starter Pokémon: Oshawott


Thanks for the everstones guys! Glad I'll get to mantain Oshawott as he is!!
3 Years ago
Guys, is there a way for me not to evolve Oshawott into Dewott? He's so cute as he is...
3 Years ago


Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (3 Years ago)

Last Visitors

sofyroseFri, 21/Aug/2020, 20:54
~MomoTodoroki~Fri, 21/Aug/2020, 20:26
skill99linusThu, 20/Aug/2020, 14:49
partizanovacThu, 20/Aug/2020, 13:00
Lord_DekkerThu, 20/Aug/2020, 00:04