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Trainerlevel: 4

Trainerpoints: 17/51


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
432,205 / 5,607
Tentacool21404 / 1,734
Fletchinder322,640 / 2,928
291,761 / 3,264
Furret281,643 / 2,437
Deerling (Autumn)261,992 / 2,107

About Me

Hello there, Internet stranger. TheTimeTellingRaven here, or Raven for short. Information time!
Age: 14 years (Oct. 20, 1999)
Enjoys: horses, video games, anime, manga, cosplay, let's plays, fantasy, sci-fi, Steampunk, horror, books, drawing, RPGs, web comics
Video Game/Character: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask/Antasma (Mario & Luigi:DT)
Anime: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Manga: Attack on Titan
Book: The Maze Runner

Feel free to message me or friend me! :3

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


TheTimeTellingRaven hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #991648126
Registration: 29/05/2014 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 1:08 Hours
Total interactions: 68
Money: 1,734
Starter Pokémon: Venusaur


TheTimeTellingRaven hasn't posted any feeds so far.


Last Action
Viewing qwerty (10 Years ago)

Last Visitors

GreenTeaThu, 05/Nov/2015, 09:43
AbyssThu, 29/Oct/2015, 10:53
CasterMinionThu, 14/Aug/2014, 00:08
Queenie-Chan184Thu, 29/May/2014, 20:39
Itachi_UchihaThu, 29/May/2014, 20:04