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Trainerlevel: 16

Trainerpoints: 354/783


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Kyurem8620,065 / 28,059
Lugia524,426 / 10,336
Dragonite6012,219 / 13,726
Noivern916,831 / 25,117
Araquanid677,960 / 13,669
Trevenant471,455 / 6,769


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
Flame_Queen 6 Years ago
Flame_Queen 6 Years ago
Fr3aksh0w 6 Years ago
Liana10 6 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Snivy2000 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #215788398
Registration: 02/02/2018 (6 Years ago)
Game Time: 22:39 Hours
Total interactions: 46,190
Money: 695
Starter Pokémon: Torterra


Hey guys, if I have a complete plushie collection by February 25 I will be giving away 100 boxes and keys and 100k pd so if you want to be entered:
1. Share this post
2. Send me at least one plushie
1 share = 1 ticket
1plushie = 3 tickets
Shiny plushie = 10 tickets
6 Years ago
6 Years ago


Last Action
Interacting (5 Years ago)

Last Visitors

GalvadyneFri, 28/Dec/2018, 18:33
SoffiaMon, 10/Sep/2018, 05:37
undefined_Tue, 01/May/2018, 21:22
hexdragoness999Fri, 20/Apr/2018, 22:30
Flame_QueenTue, 17/Apr/2018, 23:49