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Trainerlevel: 33

Trainerpoints: 1,323/3,299


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Typhlosion1,3733,711,414 / 6,750,303
Lumineon2,1945,755,182 / 8,668,495
Pidgeot1,3574,612,994 / 6,593,478
Magcargo1,4342,264,068 / 6,173,371

2023 TCG Illustration Contest

This was my entry for the 2022 Pokemon TCG Illustration Contest. The idea behind my entry was a Pikachu that is kept as a pet curiously playing with it's owner's N64 much like how pets in the real world will paw at their owner's stuff out of curiosity. I wanted to do a pet Pikachu because most card illustrations are Pokemon in mid battle or wild Pokemon, whereas my favorite illustrations are of people and their Pokemon pets.

unfortunately I didn't win (I didn't even place top 300) but I'll try again during the next contest.

Lapras Ferry Ride

Jenny: Beach Pinup

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Skellart hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #946336373
Registration: 08/06/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 416:22 Hours
Total interactions: 188,739
Money: 3,975,463
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Starting to have issues with the video output on my N64 😢

This isn't my Childhood N64, this is the second one I bought back in middle school to replace the one I traded in when getting my GameCube but I've still had it for a very long time so it means a lot to me and I'm going to fix it.
1 Day ago
I missed the posting of the top 300 finalists for this year's TCG Illustration contest (it was posted on twitter last month and I only just now saw it)

I didn't make the initial cut but they listened to the backlash and are disqualifying the talentless cheaters that used ai for their entries so there's a chance I might make the new top 300.
2 Days ago
Store is now closed and two of my coworkers and I are bringing in the outside displays and while we're doing that one of them notices a giant spider in the parking lot.

No joke, this thing was the size of a silver dollar and it's web was stitched from one tree, out in the parking lot, to another on the other side of the vehicle lane (a good 10 feet at least)

I snapped a small branch off one the the Crepe Myrtle trees and knocked it down but I know that didn't kill it, all we did was piss it off and now it has it put for us I just know it.
5 Days ago
I almost feel bad for sending out a level 2100 Pokemon to easy mode the Volcanion map.

I mean it has to be truly demoralizing to be a legendary Pokemon, feared by all just to get Yujiro Hanma'd by a fish.
7 Days ago
I bought some Shining Bait over in the GTS, I paid 55K...it lasted for 2 casts and caught me a regular Magikarp and a Relic Silver.....
9 Days ago
Got an egg from my Shining Mew plush but it hatched into a regular Mew 🥲
11 Days ago
I did it! I finally earned and spent enough Dream Points to get the Shining Mew Plushie!
14 Days ago
300 more Dream Points and I'll finally have this dam overpriced Shining Mew Plush.

For all this trouble it better be jewel encrusted, those eyes better be Sapphires, it better have the winning lottery numbers(and I don't mean the lottery over in the Game Center either, no the ACTUAL LOTTERY), a note with the name and location of my soul mate, this plushie better get me a mansion up in Heaven and a get out of jail free card.
14 Days ago
Still going to read the Manga but I went ahead and watch the Anime for Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun it was only 12 episodes though which was a little disappointing.
15 Days ago
950 more Dream Points to go and I'll finally have this dam fraking Shining Mew plush. this and the two standard Mew plushies before it should not be this expensive (there's absolutely no way that anyone with a low Dream World Shop level would ever be able to get this meaning if you just recently joined Pokeheroes you are not going to be able to get this plush and that's not right)
15 Days ago
I won the voter of the month over on New grounds! I got a free supporter status (dunno for how long though)
18 Days ago
Started reading Toilet Bound Hanako-kun. I've seen it at Books a Million for the longest time but never picked it up until today, I drive my Mom to her doctor's appointments and then I go and read Manga at the library while I wait and I've gone through a good chunk of their small Manga corner already so this is one of the few series they have on the shelves that I haven't read yet
25 Days ago
So I'm still working towards harvesting a million Cheri berries but I've gone back to growing high levels of the other berries as well and let me tell you I have been harvesting, I'm pretty stacked right now when it comes to berried
25 Days ago
You obtained a new badge (Cooking Mama)!

Plus a pinch of salt... perfect! You are a true chef, you know so many recipes!
29 Days ago
Was cleaning up the back room today and found o e of my old Hot Wheels cars, still sealed from 2006!
1 Month ago
I don't know if you know this about me but I don't like spiders...
1 Month ago
Gotta little too hot at work yesterday. We ran out of shopping carts faster than I could collect them out of the parking lot in the scorching heat and we kept selling grills for Father's Day so I was helping with all those as well...in the scorching heat.

Went home and sat in a cool shower for an hour and a half and wound up doing it again this morning before work
1 Month ago
First a Weezing then Dugtrio and now Magneton tops off my trifecta of Gen 1 trio Pokemon (except for Dodrio but that one might be next who knows)

1 Month ago
Just found out that one of my former coworkers died in a motorcycle accident. Truth be told I wasn't good friends with him but it still bothers me to hear that he died like that.
1 Month ago
"Lumineon defeated Volcanion!
Volcanion escaped, but left a rare item.
Your Pokémon put it into the Explorer Bag and embarks on the way back."

The mighty underwater Volcano Pokemon just got its azz handed to it by an Angel Fish
2 Months ago

Game Boy


Last Action
Browsing through notifications (46 Minutes ago)

Poke Tree

Find more of my Pokemon Art (And just art in general) over on my Newgrounds!


Last Visitors

eisnerYesterday, 23:10
CrysticiaYesterday, 22:03
SwiftphoenixYesterday, 22:03
shinyrapidashYesterday, 13:15
dreamerkiritoYesterday, 09:29


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