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Dragon Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 15

Trainerpoints: 301/689


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Primarina13154,406 / 58,407
Hoggy678,980 / 17,086
9010,915 / 24,571
Rampardos9510,510 / 11,631

About Me

I'm a Pokemon lover! In search of tough battles! My favorite types of Pokemon are Ground, dragon, and Fire. My three favorite Pokemon are Latias, Sandslash and Ninetails. I would love to trade for Pokemon not in my PokeDex.

(=0 {{


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
uncleben85 6 Years ago
LunaFenrir 7 Years ago
Yoolina 7 Years ago
Gottesbob 7 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


ShyShi hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #405463887
Registration: 03/02/2014 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 76:35 Hours
Total interactions: 23,935
Money: 153,549
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Anyone want a Furfrou I have like sixty of them from when I was shiny hunting...
7 Years ago
Happy Valentine's Day! ^^ <3
7 Years ago
OMFG I GOT A SHINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 Years ago
Happy Holidays!!!! I hope you all have a beautiful day!
7 Years ago
Warm my adorable eggs please!!! I'll gladly interact with your party in return! ^^
7 Years ago
Anyone wanna battle, I haven't in a while and my team isn't the strongest but I thought "Why not!"
7 Years ago
When you're waiting for your daycare Pokemon to lay an egg and it's just taking way to long...
7 Years ago
When you make a poll and you accidentally use the pokemon BBC code wrong... >.<
7 Years ago
The best gift I ever received for the holidays was my first terrarium (I'm a huge plant nerd and grow cacti and succulents...) I had gotten a cute little cactus and a glass bubble terrarium and I decorated it with moss and stones and I love it.
7 Years ago
It's been a while since I've played PokeHeroes... How's everyone doin?
7 Years ago
Hey everyone, I've been away for a while now. So how about a battle?
8 Years ago
Looking to battle! ^_^
9 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?
9 Years ago
Hai! I'm super confused about shinies. Do they just hatch randomly out of any egg? Or is there some system?
9 Years ago
I has tons of boxes and keys listed below palpad me if you want to trade for one! ^_^
1 Brown box, 4 green boxes, 1 purple box, and 3 red boxes.
1 dark blue key and 2 light blue keys.
9 Years ago
I really need help hatching my eggs please help! I'll return with berries.
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
Hey everyone! I need help hatching these eggs please! I promise to feed you party berries! ^-^
9 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?
9 Years ago
Wanna Battle!!! Comment if you do!
9 Years ago



Last Action
Reading the news (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

uncleben85Wed, 14/Mar/2018, 05:18
coffeeaxolotlSun, 18/Feb/2018, 01:53
TydusMon, 09/Oct/2017, 03:59
pratyansh33Thu, 05/Oct/2017, 15:56
ONIKITSUNESat, 29/Apr/2017, 18:53