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Dragon Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 12

Trainerpoints: 27/443


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
14771,247 / 73,998
Mantyke535,401 / 10,734
Noctowl67709 / 13,669
Cottonee653,715 / 12,871
Altaria526,245 / 6,615
Dustox667,886 / 13,267

About Me

Hello there. I'm Shaman. I like pokemon, shamanism, witchcraft, heavy metal, ice cream, painting and astrology. I'm new to this, but I'm not lost. Ask me anything whenever you want.
"But the wanderer's part is to ride alone"

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Shaman hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #875764219
Registration: 02/10/2015 (8 Years ago)
Game Time: 6:03 Hours
Total interactions: 572
Money: 24,879
Starter Pokémon: Mudkip


Where y'all at?
8 Years ago
I should make more friends ._.
8 Years ago
Have I told you all how I'm impressed by the fact that Faroe Islands is a option in country settings? It's never available... Where are the other Faroese people tho?
8 Years ago
Woah, Havamal is already level 98!
8 Years ago
Just hatched a random shiny Budew :D
8 Years ago
How much are dittos worth nowadays?
8 Years ago
Shiny darkrai, mega event distribution... This is what pokeheroes has become.
8 Years ago


Last Action
Managing trades at the GTS (7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

AquariusTue, 06/Sep/2016, 04:53
CherryCheerySat, 02/Jan/2016, 22:22
MudsdaleSat, 02/Jan/2016, 22:21
AmphaWed, 25/Nov/2015, 12:26
diegoBr18Wed, 25/Nov/2015, 00:31