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Trainerlevel: 39

Trainerpoints: 1,315/4,601


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
12884,791 / 95,111
Goldeen14264 / 631
Igglybuff393,577 / 3,745
Skwovet11353 / 397
Tentacool12220 / 586

About me :)

My name is ShadowXTM.
For those of you who where wonder XTM stands for Extreme. Why I don't know.

My favourite pokemon is Shiny Greninja and all the Eevee evolutions can't pick a favourite.


Kanto Dex: 142/151

Johto Dex: 86/127

Help would be appreciated:))

My shinys and mega favourites


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
atke 3 Days ago
Professor Rowan 3 Days ago
Fidget 5 Days ago
ShadowXTM 6 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


ShadowXTM hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #112210940
Registration: 08/12/2023 (7 Months ago)
Game Time: 410:01 Hours
Total interactions: 455,141
Money: 709,417
Starter Pokémon: Samurott


Hey everyone:)
I created my fist giveaway!!!!

To join pls:
1. Join the Giveway!!!
2. Interact with my party:)
3. Like post and share the post with hastag #ShadowXTMgivaway

1st place gets 100k + 10 random gems
2nd place gets 50k + 5 random gems
3rd place gets 5k + 100 beries

Giveway ends on Sunday. Good luck:D
Yesterday, 12:18
By Glimpse - 7 Hours and 7 Minutes ago.
Hi everyone! I will be hosting a new giveaway for the 1st Place 200k PokeDollars that was foregone from the last giveaway due to the chosen 1st Place being disqualified!

To join please do the following:
1. Join the Giveaway
2. Add me as a friend if you haven't already!
3. Like this post and repost it! #GlimpseMonthPt2

Good luck!
Yesterday, 03:58
Hey, ShadowXTM!

How is the Wailord doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 92, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Wailord is on Level 98, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do it.

Pls interact :))Interact Here
2 Days ago
Hey, ShadowXTM!

How is the Wailord doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 80, I see.
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Wailord is on Level 87, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do it.

Please interact heart for return :)
2 Days ago
By ~MusicalYanma~ - 8 Hours and 17 Minutes ago.
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Kitema in a row! You now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck on the #YanliftHunt!

102 days later, I have hatched the 40th egg! Because of this, I want to start a giveaway! To enter, share this feed and like the original post.

1st gets 15 Dragon Gems and The 40th Kitema
2nd gets 50 Normal Gems
3rd gets 50k PD

Ends in a week (probably)
3 Days ago
By ThatCatKid - 2 Hours and 35 Minutes ago.

I know u do :3c

So basically just share this hashy w/ whole feed plz ---> #CatKidIsGivingAway800NugsForSomeReason

Also heart the feed <3

Ends when I get bored :V
4 Days ago
Interaction exchange

Like for return:D
13 Days ago
Your Sigilyph and the Light Stone disappeared.
But look - there's a legendary Pokémon Egg!
Take good care of it.
20 Days ago
You push the red key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Blue Orb found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

You push the light blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Enigma Stone found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
21 Days ago
You push the brown key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Light Stone found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
23 Days ago
23 Days ago
25 Days ago
You received a secret Pass Code for your last Wonder Trade:

26 Days ago
27 Days ago
Congratulations! A shiny Rockruff hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #53)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
29 Days ago
By PokeRadar - 42 Minutes and 52 Seconds ago.
Your PokéRadar recorded the 40th Rockruff in a row! You now reached the maximum chance of finding a shiny. Good luck!
29 Days ago
By FallFromDivine - 3 Hours and 8 Minutes ago.
Hey I'm shiny and EV hunting Staryu, I'm gonna have a lot of spare Staryu so once I get a shiny I'll give everyone who shares the tag #DivineStaryu a free Staryu, on top of that 1 lucky person will receive some mystery items from my bag. For the opportunity to win the mystery items, like this feed and share the tag #DivineStaryu.
1 Month ago
1 Month ago


Last Action
Searching for specific auction (3 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

LeberkasToday, 20:40
VinderayToday, 17:29
DukeeeeeeToday, 17:17
MadLonely_12Today, 16:36
brabeyToday, 16:13
