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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 9

Trainerpoints: 162/251


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Blastoise19417,597 / 130,455
Vivillon63979 / 12,097
Karrablast8514,716 / 21,931
Medicham485,813 / 7,057
Beedrill651,153 / 12,871
Gothitelle482,429 / 7,113


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Newest gifts
Ampha 9 Years ago
Squirtle002 9 Years ago
person4115 9 Years ago
Roronoa 9 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Shadow36902 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #998576073
Registration: 07/05/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 31:00 Hours
Total interactions: 3,591
Money: 4,485
Starter Pokémon: Blastoise


#Gemfest will be over tomorrow....
9 Years ago
What app should I download
9 Years ago
#Gemfest The winners are....
1st. WinterAltaria
2nd. Eric Lis14
3rd. Porthos
4th. ShirolcezUsagi-Chan
5th. MissMewton
If you do not claim your prizes via Palpad I wil keep them.
9 Years ago
#GemFest let's change it up a little. Whoever GUESSES MY BIRTHDAY EXACTLY.....WINNER TAKE ALL!
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
#gemfest is awesome!
9 Years ago
#Gemfest you can only guess once. The first prize is an Aipom. Hatchling
9 Years ago
#Gemfest I am removing the first prize and replacing it with a Aipom egg.
9 Years ago
#Gemfest the PD is first come first serve.
9 Years ago
#Gemfest Whoever guesses my birthday or is the closest (excluding the year) receives ONE of the following prizes: 1. 3 Nuggets
2. A random Plushie
3. Seven random gems
4. Sir Haxelot lvl.58
5. Spritomb lvl. 105
6. Lvl 22. Combee

Goodluck! Raffle ends next week.
Whoever spreads this raffle by posting this has tag is entitled to 100PD.
9 Years ago
Whoever sees this should play Pokémon Showdown!
9 Years ago
It's been a long time since I been on here. Who wants to battle?
9 Years ago
Hero chat party!
9 Years ago
Please click my eggs!
9 Years ago
#FactOfTheDay Buzz Aldrin was the first man to pee on the moon.
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
I am selling 2 nuggets palpad me!
9 Years ago



Last Action
Viewing qwerty (8 Years ago)

Last Visitors

VarsityRisneXThu, 01/Oct/2020, 12:03
Yuki-chanMon, 24/Sep/2018, 18:27
Castiello11Wed, 27/Sep/2017, 18:05
UndertaleFan92Fri, 09/Sep/2016, 22:05
BronyReviewsMon, 18/Jul/2016, 19:30