Game Records

Registration: 27/05/2021 (3 Years ago)
Time Played: 278:42 Hours
Total interactions: 284,471
Money: 158,092

Starter Pokémon:

how am I doing?
*brags* well I got straight A's for my average
*sees a C* OwO
who wants me to do free art again
because im bored
and ive been practicing and got better i think ;w;
is you comment something i guess
okay bye
*digs a hole* *hides in it*
why thanks for asking
just being into a weeb after years of not knowing what anime was
*looks at my pichus*
how long have i even been gone
;;;;;;w;;;;; wahhhhhhh I missed you guys so much and I only get to see you for a second
*dramatic music plays*
1. ~PikaRed~
2. Rice
3. Komainu
Sending prizes during the weekend, gtg to schooolllll
heres some proof
Wow guys, I didn’t think I would get so many entries in my giveaway!
Your comments really wanted me to stay but I don’t have a choice, school is spin but it can really help someone in their future. (Entries were counted in the likes)
Share #GoodbyePichu & ❤️ this feed & comment something to win...
1. 100k pd & enigma stone & 100 nuggets
2. Shiny of their choice & 50k & 50 nuggets
3. 35k & 50 nuggets and an already mega evolved Pokémon
Good luck everyone!
Will miss you guys a lot -hugs-
I decided I need to stop getting addicted to games and stuff and start focusing on school. Wish you good luck without me.
I’m very sorry
Apologies to these amazing people:
SoulStar, Torracat, Demonofdarkness, ~Pikachu~, -Loki-, 123456789101112, shadybump119, ~Yvelette~, ~Wish~, _Sun, Burn~Drive, Braixie, Once, Yams, Random~Mew, Dorcas, Floofty, Shinymegagardevoir, Autumnwind_cat, ~Jessy~, Seazardmaster, BlueRoyalty, NikStar, BabyEevee22, sommerose, Zeta, An_Apple, Whitty, Molly, Cinnabon, Asagata, Praiju, Stristik, NekoScrub, GooBear, Acacia, YungRover, and so on.
(Many of these are users that have changed their usernames, but I don’t really know since I’ve been gone for so long ;w;)
Again, I apologize to all of you, and the rest of the art community.
Icon drawn by: myself