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Electric Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
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Trainerlevel: 14

Trainerpoints: 476/601


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Staraptor547,125 / 9,159
Dodrio494,032 / 7,351
Talonflame504,549 / 7,766
Skuntank455,208 / 6,211
Medicham492,781 / 7,351
Furret472,789 / 6,769


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Newest gifts
OXxDarkStarxXO 8 Years ago
Perfile 8 Years ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Recovery hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #606265201
Registration: 18/05/2015 (9 Years ago)
Game Time: 14:31 Hours
Total interactions: 12,389
Money: 15,190
Starter Pokémon: Sceptile


8 Years ago
You fed Sebastian a Spelon Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 236 Exp. Points.

You have been rewarded with 4 Pokédollar!
You have been rewarded with 3 Golden Game Chip(s)!
8 Years ago
You fed Alice a Iapapa Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 3,435 Exp. Points.
8 Years ago
Starting a Combee hunt - interaction exchange?
9 Years ago
By shadow7 - 3 Minutes and 48 Seconds ago.


k guys im holdding a raffle!
-_ - ☆★♡♥○●
Just interact with my party and spread the hashtag! The prizes are:
1st: 15k
2nd: 10k
3rd: 5k
If u type this whole thing and post it u get get extra entry!
9 Years ago
202 lottery tickets purchased - 201 of them are random. Crossing my fingers.. Lol
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
By SwagMeowth - 10 Hours and 57 Minutes ago.

I will be giving away a shiny Glaceon on the 1st for the PH anniversary, spread around this post to increase your chances of winning
9 Years ago
Do you think your pokemon level faster in your PC box or in your party on Pokeheroes?
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
Fire Pokémon starter from the lab!
9 Years ago
I need something good to watch on Netflix #-#
9 Years ago
9 Years ago
You fed Wishy a Oran Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 210 Exp. Points.

You have been rewarded with 2 Pokédollar!
9 Years ago
Hey friends BladerX is holding a raffle with a lot of cool prizes.
Go Here for more info.
9 Years ago
It was a Gastly.. From an egg from the lab. *shrug*.
9 Years ago
I've got an Unown egg!
9 Years ago


Last Action
(7 Years ago)

Last Visitors

LeoTheLionSat, 01/Dec/2018, 04:24
lucidThu, 11/Aug/2016, 00:55
gh0stySun, 27/Mar/2016, 18:19
samyakSun, 13/Dec/2015, 11:14
AirazonFri, 20/Nov/2015, 16:00