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Trainerlevel: 13

Trainerpoints: 93/519


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
1944,637 / 113,491
12949,549 / 56,589
1619,859 / 78,247
9826,442 / 36,384
9730,431 / 35,649
Kyurem112584 / 47,461


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Newest gifts
HarleenQuinzel 15 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
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Set #4


PowerHousePokemon hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #315386899
Registration: 02/09/2024 (16 Days ago)
Game Time: 24:27 Hours
Total interactions: 30,824
Money: 29,443
Starter Pokémon: Charmeleon


My fav users: Everyone rn but the ppl helping me the most and that I rlly appreciate FallFromDivine, GooBear, Charas, and Retro.
My pokehero's goal: Become a million air, get a Kyurem or Giritina, and Become a mentor for someone else who's this is there first time.
You can find me playing with my dog, Having fun Playing games, and Hanging out with and trying to battle other users. and Doing Interaction exchanges.
Yesterday, 15:39
Fav Color: Blue
Fav Food: Sushi
Fav Pokémon: Giritina, Raichu, and Kyurem
I would love plushies if your feeling generous.
I also love Interacting exchanges and Battling, although I'm not the best at it. :)
Yesterday, 15:32
I'm going to do Iteracting Extanges If you like to join Reply to this feed
Yesterday, 15:29
Interacting Extange... To help your Pokemon eggs and Pokemon to help grow my eggs and Pokemon
5 Days ago


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Reading the news (4 Hours ago)

Last Visitors

*Snowflake*Today, 10:09
RetrioYesterday, 21:47
ManiacMedicYesterday, 20:42
Yuki-chanYesterday, 19:32
WisteriaAriaYesterday, 18:18