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Electric Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 23

Trainerpoints: 479/1,609


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
12920,942 / 40,249


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Newest gifts
Proxy 10 Years ago
Placeholding 10 Years ago
Placeholding 10 Years ago
Proxy 10 Years ago

Shiny Hunt

Placeholding is currently hunting Igglybuff.
Hunt started: 24/08/2014

Chain: 28

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Placeholding hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #607062004
Registration: 02/06/2014 (10 Years ago)
Game Time: 150:17 Hours
Total interactions: 110,060
Money: 131,070
Starter Pokémon: Torterra


10 Years ago
Bounce is on Homepage!
10 Years ago
#SnorlyIsLove You fed Snorly a Mago Berry! The Pokémon raised by 259,179 Exp. Points.
10 Years ago
If I sold all of my berries I would get 3460PD.
10 Years ago
10 Years ago
Wow my feed is filled up with shiny woopers
10 Years ago
10 Years ago
#EmeraldEyes And the winner is...
10 Years ago
#EmeraldEyes 2 more levels 'till Raffle ends!
10 Years ago
#EmeraldEyes 10 more levels 'till Raffle ends!
10 Years ago
Yay I found The Berry Sprite!
10 Years ago
#DestroyOak You are training with Daycare Owner for a while. The Pokémon raised by 688 Exp. Points.
10 Years ago
#SnorlyIsFat You are training with Snorly for a while. The Pokémon raised by 79,236 Exp. Points. You have been rewarded with 8 Pokédollar! 
10 Years ago
#StrongJirachi You fed Jirachi a Cornn Berry!
The Pokémon raised by 413 Exp. Points.
You have been rewarded with 14 Pokédollar!
You have been rewarded with 1 Golden Game Chip(s)! Play now
10 Years ago
Ermergerd My Scolipede brought home a SprayDuck!
10 Years ago
http://salmonofcapistrano.com/ Just go to it XD
10 Years ago
Interaction Exchange?
10 Years ago
Anyone has a Moon Stone? I can pay 1000PD
10 Years ago
My first shiny on a Pokemon game was Geodude. I didn't know how valuable it was so I just kept it in my box :3
10 Years ago
#EmeraldEyes Raffle altered! Raffle ends when Hope (Shaymin Sky) reaches level 100!
10 Years ago



Last Action
Managing contact links (4 Years ago)

Last Visitors

ShinyDedenneSun, 26/Apr/2020, 05:21
ChadwicKedThu, 13/Feb/2020, 12:17
eisnerWed, 04/Dec/2019, 11:26
jakeThu, 19/Sep/2019, 22:32
Shiro-kunMon, 04/Mar/2019, 04:33