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Water Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 46

Trainerpoints: 6,325/6,393


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Shellos (West)221,078 / 1,519
Pachirisu301,844 / 2,791
Mandibuzz584,475 / 12,834
684,660 / 14,077

Help them level up!

Give them some love



Sea Banner: https://www.deviantart.com/polishboyy/art/f2u-blue-sea-aesthetic-651522288
Whale shark: https://www.deviantart.com/spacenougat/art/Whaleshark-9-f2u-693139922
water gif 2: https://fourleafclovertaiga.tumblr.com/post/43644157929

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


View collection || View gift log

Newest gifts
amaikoneko 18 Days ago
Oxylus 3 Months ago
gothicrift 4 Months ago
Brettly0500 4 Months ago

Game Records

Trainer ID: #27028295
Registration: 11/09/2019 (4 Years ago)
Game Time: 639:19 Hours
Total interactions: 668,180
Money: 6,468,937
Starter Pokémon: Swampert


Anyone would be interested to trade my Sprigatto for a Baltoy?
8 Months ago
🎃👻To those who wish to know, this year, I'll be scared of these boomers! 😁
9 Months ago
I only need Moltres, Zaptos and Mewtwo ! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
11 Months ago
Oh boy, only the 3 legendary birds, Mewtwo and my Gen 01 dex is done (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
1 Year ago
A lil bit more work, and I'll finish hopefully my Gen 1 pokedex! I only need:
- 3 legendary birds
1 Year ago
Does anyone know how to mark a plush as a favorite? I see the option ''favorit '' in the dream shop, but Im not sure how to understand how to use it.

thankx a lot! (*^▽^*)
1 Year ago
#MyCoolestPokemon around here is perhaps Mega Swampert becoz of the water/ground type is actually pretty strong. The other one is more of a design choice, but I love the Babylonian wailmer ( always had a soft spot for ancient history ).💕
1 Year ago
I aquiered a ditto a few month ago. I wanted to know if anyone want to breed it with a pokemon that I own so you may not have.

Ex: I own a Fraligator, but you don't have one. I could breed mine with my ditto and then I would give you the Totodile once the egg hatche.

I'm only asking 1200 pd. The reason being is that it cost mostly 1000 at the day care until I'm able to have an egg..and I would like to keep some for myself.

Ijust want to also warn you that legendary and event pokemon don't seem to work that well. So for now its gonna be only pokemon.

DM me if you are interested!

Ty and have a cool day and lot of candies 🍭
1 Year ago
I will not spoil when, but when you caugh a certain number of pokemen and you show your pokedex, The Professor will say something like:
"Oh.. my.. goodness. Just - oh my goodness. You are AWESOME!"

I won't lie, it is funny in a way XD
2 Years ago
Anyone is up for a plushy trade ? I wish to have a Gyarados plush ( 10 dp) or a Sharpedo (25 dp ). I'll of course buy a plushy from an equal dp that you want.

If you are interested, DM me ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
2 Years ago
Tantacool shiny hunt! It was my first shiny ever caught, so it gonna be a special hunt for me. ( •̀ ω •́ )
2 Years ago
Ok, so for #MyGoalForNextYear....
I won't lie, I don't have much, but I really wish to finish to read all my big books. (^‿^)
2 Years ago
I imagine if I receive a event egg, it will break my chain ?
2 Years ago
Finally I got my lil Shiny magikarp! 😍

I made a pole to know wich would be my next shiny hunt. Currently its quite equal between Tantacool and a Dratini. If it stay like that, I'll give myself the right to decide.

Thought if someone want to gove me advice, you are welcome to !
I mostly want dark or water shiny pokemon.
2 Years ago
Today is the day!
I'm starting a shiny hunt for a nice golden Magikarp!💛🐟
2 Years ago

I just wanted to know if somebody would be interested into trading my Sundaelite Chocolate🍫 for a Sundaelite Strawberries🍓?

thankx 😁
2 Years ago
Hello, I was woundering if anyone knew how to evolve Kitema or Obsidianix?

Thankx :D
3 Years ago
Finally got a female Salandite!

Can't wait to see her evolve!
3 Years ago
I don't have that much memory about my older Christmas...

But I do remamber that during my older school year, befor the hollydays vaccation, there would always be someone in the computer lad that was bringging cookies and chocolat and then another person where putting Epic Christmas music on one the computer.

It was quite a funny time.

3 Years ago
2020 was indeed quite a hard years, but I was still happy to finish a Knightober challenge during the october ( its a monthly drawing challenge with knigth and medieval theme).

Always nice o do one of these drawing challenge!😁

3 Years ago



Hello, I am OneTeaStar I love to draw fantasy stuff and drawing fan art. I collect mostly water and dark type pokemen. Feel free to DM me is you wish to trade!

Plushies that I collect

Plushies that I love

Last Visitors

amaikonekoMon, 08/Jul/2024, 17:40
upnnoFri, 07/Jun/2024, 17:20
SoleilLuxSat, 01/Jun/2024, 01:04
Ace~Fri, 10/May/2024, 10:51
sorceresshanneloreFri, 26/Apr/2024, 03:38
